Translate to English Selamat pagi bapak/ibu yang kami hormati dan juga teman-teman yang kami cintai.
Puji syukur kita ucapkan terima kasih kepada Tuhan karena kita dapat berkumpul lagi disini. Sebelumnya kami sampaikan terima kasih atas waktu dan kesempatan yang diberikan kepada kelompok kami untuk tampil disini untuk memperagakan kondisi seseorang yang terserang penyakit. Untuk mempersingkat waktu, mari kita mulai.
Sekian peragaan dari kelompok kami. Kami menyadari masih banyak kekurangan dari kelompok kami. Oleh karena itu, segala kritik dan saran dari guru dan teman-teman yang membangun akan kami teriama dengan baik.
Sekian dan terima kasih.
Jawaban 1:
Good morning father/mother that we respect and also friends who we love. thank God we thank god because we can get together again here. previosly we would like to thank you for the time and opportunity given to our group to perfom here to condition of a person who became ill. to shorten the time let's get started .
a few demonstrations of our group. therefor, all criticims and suggestions from a teacher and friens we will build our teriama well .
that's all and thank you .
semoga bermanfaat :)
Jawaban 2:
Good Morning.. The honorable all of the teacher, and also my beloved friends..
Let's pray our gratitude to God because we can come together in this place. Before we get start, thank you for all the time and opportunity that gaven to our group. We're here will exhibit about the condition if someone get sick. To abbreviate the time, just let's begin..
That's all from our group. We know that so much mistakes come from us. So, all of the critic and suggestion from the teacher or all of my friends will be accepted.. :)
Thank you for your attention..
Pertanyaan Terkait
Percakapan b.inggris yang dilakukan oleh 2 orang tentang setuju dan tak stuju terserah ap aja ,,,
Jawaban 1:
A:good afternoon
b:good arternoon
a:do you know about the animal in indonesia's zoo was dead
b;yes i know about that
a:what happen with them?
b:i think they sick
a:i'm not agree about that, i think they are dead because of their place
v: i think you right, i'm agree with you
Sebutkan 10 kata ejektif
Jawaban 1:
Jawaban 2:
Cara membuat repot tempat ?
misal : report hospital, report school, etc.
help me ,, ?? :) ^_^
Jawaban 1:
Inti"nya aja,,
mendeskripsikan apa sj yg mngenai benda trsebut,
contoh report school,, deskripsikanlah apa saja yg ada di skolahmu,,
Contoh narrative text yang pake verb 2 tapi pendek :( ada ga?
Jawaban 1:
In earlier times there lived a , who named Snow White . He lived with his aunt and uncle because his parents died . One day she heard her uncle and aunt talking about leaving Snow White in the castle because they wanted to go to America and they did not have enough money to take Snow White with them . princess Snow White did not want her uncle and aunt to do this . So he decided to escape .
The next day he ran away from home when her aunt and uncle were having breakfast , he fled into the wood . In the wood she felt very tired and hungry . Then she saw this cottage . She knocked but no one answered her so she went inside and felt asleep Meanwhile seven dwarfs came home from his work . They get into . There, they found Snow White woke up from his sleep . He saw the dwarfs . The dwarf said : " What is your name ? ' Snow White said , " My name is Snow White . " One dwarf said , " If you want , you can stay here with us . ' Snow White tells all about her story . Then daughter snow and the seven dwarves are now living happily ever after .
Jawaban 2:
Once upon a time, there was a girl called Cinderella. Cinderella is lived happily with her mother and father until her mother died. Feel that Cinderella needs a mother figure in his life, Cinderella’s father remarries to a woman who has two daughters of her own.
Unfortunately, Cinderella's father dies and she lived only with her stepmother and stepsisters. They were very bossy, she had to do all the housework.
One day on invitation to the hall come to the family. The King invited for all the eligible ladies in the kingdom so as to find Prince a wife. Her stepsisters would no let her go. Cinderella was sad. The stepsisters went to the hall without her.
Fortunately, the fairy Godmother came and helped her to get to the hall with the wave of magic wand, helped prepared Cinderella for the hall. The fairy does warn her that is magic will end at a stroke of midnight, so she must leaved the hall before than.
At the hall all people surprised when Cinderella arrived. And then the Prince invited Cinderella to danced. He fell in love with her.
All of a sudden, the clock star to chime that is a midnight. Cinderella hastily runs away, dropped a glass slipper as she does so. Cinderella escapes, with nothing from the night left, except from the other glass slipper, which had not changed back.
Prince Charming orders his love to be found by means of the odd shoe, and the Grand Duke is sent around the land getting every girl in the land to try on the glass slipper to see if it fits.
Eventually the Grand Duke reaches the residence of Cinderella, but she is nowhere to be seen. The stepsisters frantically try to get the glass slipper to fit so as to wed into royalty, but compatible nothing that. The Grand Duke is about to leave as Cinderella finally appears. He orders the messenger to brought forth the glass slipper, yet the stepmother in a last minute attempt to prevent her stepdaughter from better things, causes the messenger to trip, thus broken the fragile shoe into pieces. Yet the arrogant woman hadn't betted on Cinderella produced the other glass slipper, which fits onto Cinderella's foot perfectly.
Very soon, wedding bells ring, and Cinderella married her prince, and they live happily ever after.
Bantu aku ngerjain tugas bahasa inggris ku yah :) 1. Translate kalimat" ini dalam bahasa indonesia!
"Travel on the plane for the first time"
when i was young, i did not really like travelling. i preffered playing games on the computer. i never travelled abroad on the plane until 1998 A that time, i was 21 years old.
my first trip was a 4 day trip to taipei. before i come to the airport, i did not know how to check in. all procedures were so new to me.
i remembered i was so excited when the plane took off. i really enjoyed my trip at that time.
after that trip, i like travelling, i also traveled to korea, france, germany, swifzerland, italy, and australia.
2. dari kalimat" diatas CARILAH "VERB NOUN DAN ADJECTIVE" nya!
Jawaban 1:
Kalau adjectivenya : young, kalau verb nounya : check in dan took off.
Jawaban 2:
Perjalanan di pesawat untuk pertama kalinya "ketika saya masih muda, saya tidak benar-benar suka bepergian. i preffered bermain game di komputer. saya tidak pernah bepergian ke luar negeri di pesawat sampai 1998 A waktu itu, saya berusia 21 tahun. perjalanan pertama saya adalah 4 hari perjalanan ke taipei. sebelum saya datang ke bandara, saya tidak tahu bagaimana untuk check-in semua prosedur yang sangat baru bagi saya. aku ingat aku begitu gembira ketika pesawat lepas landas. Aku benar-benar menikmati perjalanan saya pada waktu itu. setelah perjalanan itu, saya suka bepergian, saya juga melakukan perjalanan ke korea, Perancis, Jerman, swifzerland, italy, dan australia
Apa verb1 verb2 dan verb3 untuk kata : Clever Buy Eat Leave Chance
Jawaban 1:
Clever = clevered = clevered
buy = bought = bought
eat = ate = eaten
leave = left = left
chance = chanced = chanced
Jawaban 2:
Buy - Bought - Bought
Eat - Ate - Eaten
Leave - Left - Left
Buatin cerita imajinasi pakai verb 2 dongg tapi yang agak panjang
Jawaban 1:
Zombies aren’t Really Your Best Friends
John is 21 years old, he is alone. Well, there are Zombies with him, but I guess you can’t say that you can be happy with that. Because Zombies aren’t really your best friends, though. They are more like your enemies and they like brains, especially your brain! So, John wants to escape – from the world. He thinks he hasn’t got anyone on the world. When he went to Oklahoma with a stolen car, he found an old farm where he hid for several months. One day he went to a city 12 miles away from his farm to get new food and medicine and weapons. On his way he shot 16 Zombies who wanted to attack him but then he saw a girl who really didn’t look like a Zombie and ran through a street after she had hid behind a trashbucket. John screamed and yelled at her. When she saw him, her eyes glanced. There was hope in her eyes. John shot a Zombie that came along. She got scared. John stopped the car and the girl ran to him. She breathed very fast.
John started the car. He drove along the street and parked in front of a supermarket, where no Zombies were. They still didn’t talk a word. Suddenly she started a conversation with a ”Hi, I’m Jane.” They got into a long conversation while John was searching for food and other helpful things in the supermarket. She just walked by his side and told him about her story and that she had lost her whole family to the Zombies and hid herself in an old hospital at night.
John took her home. They felt safe. One day, when he was going home to the farm, after he had gone to the forest, he saw thousands of Zombies at the farm.
He ran as fast as he could but he couldn’t help it anymore. The Zombies got Jane. He screamed and cried. His new-found hope was gone, he lost Jane in the Zombie invasion.
The Zombies got attentive because of John’s screams. But he got his eyes closed, he opened them when he heard some strange noises in front of him and saw all the Zombies coming toward him. He ran to his car and turned on the engine. He drove away from the farm, crying. After hours of driving he didn’t know where he was. But he was still crying. He drove along a lonely highway. Every hundred meters there were some crashed cars with dead persons or Zombies. He knew he was lost. After days of only driving around he stopped the car on the highway. He took his gun and held it to his head. His eyes hurt and were red. There was no other way. He lost his only hope and he got crazy in the last days. He started conversations with himself and had no food for days.
There was no noise around him. He pulled the trigger, a loud noise came out of the gun.
He took his life, two miles before he reached the military base where he could have been safe with other people who gave up on their hope. But he didn’t make it.
Bisa minta tolong translatekan ini, tpi jangan dari google translate ya, Aku memelihara seekor kucing. Namanya Bruno. Aku beri nama dia
Bruno karena saya suka Bruno Mars. Dia bertubuh gendut. Dia memiliki mata
berwarna kuning, telinga yang tegak, dan kumis yang panjang. Dia memiliki bulu
yang lebat dan panjang berwarna putih. Dia juga memiliki ekor yang panjang. Dia
sangat lucu dan manja. Dia juga pemalu. Dia suka bermain di luar rumah. Pernah suatu
hari ia tercebur ke dalam parit sehinnga tubuhnya kotor semua. Sejak saat itu,
ibuku membeli sebuah kandang yang cukup besar untuk Bruno serta mengurungnya
sehingga Bruno jadi jarang keluar rumah. Dia adalah kucing yang pintar dia
selalu menuruti perintahku. Dia juga tidak suka buang kotoran sembarangan. Dia tidak
suka makanan kucing, dia lebih suka makan makanan manusia.
Jawaban 1:
I'm breed some cat. her name is Bruno. I'm give her name Bruno because I like Bruno Mars. Her a body so fat. Her have yellow eye's, ear is erect, and long moustache. He has a feather and a long bushy white. He also has a long tail. he very funny and spoiled. He was also shy. She loves to play outdoors. never a day he fell into the trench sehinnga her all dirty. Since that time, my mom bought a cage large enough for Bruno and lock so Bruno so rarely leave the house. He is a smart cat he always do what I say. He also did not like the indiscriminate pooping. he does not like cat food, she prefers to eat human food.
Jawaban 2:
I'm breed some cat. her name is Bruno. I'm give her name Bruno because I like Bruno Mars. Her a body so fat. Her have yellow eye's, ear is erect, and long moustache. He has a feather and a long bushy white. He also has a long tail. he very funny and spoiled. He was also shy. She loves to play outdoors. never a day he fell into the trench sehinnga her all dirty. Since that time, my mom bought a cage large enough for Bruno and lock so Bruno so rarely leave the house. He is a smart cat he always do what I say. He also did not like the indiscriminate pooping. he does not like cat food, she prefers to eat human food.komentar : kenapa gak buka google transfer
Membuat dialog tentang : 1. your sister is frying potato chips when arrive. they smell good and your sister offers you to taste some. how would the conversation go ?
2. your friend has anew hair style. you say that she looks young and charming. she likes your respond. you want to knowwho the hairdresser is. she tells you about it. how would the conversation go ?
Jawaban 1:
Jawaban no 2 ya
annisa: hey thalia, did you cut your hair ?
thalia : yea,what do you think about my hair?
annisa: i think it's very pretty and beautiful
thalia ; thank you
annisa : i want to know who did cut your hair ?
thalia : why you ask?
annisa : because i want cut my hair too
thalia; her name is lucy
annisa : okay thanks for your help
jawaban no 1
alya ; mmm who is frying the potato
tania ; me do you want this potato
alya ; of course
tania ; okay this is it
alya ; the taste is delicious
tania ; thank you
alya ;youre welcome
Sebutkan makanan yg sehat dan makanan tidak sehat dalam bahasa inggris beserta artinya
Jawaban 1:
Health food
=> rice, fruits, vegetables, seafood,
unhealth food
=> junkfood, fastfood,
it's like burger, pizza, spagethi, noodle, pasta, etc.
Jawaban 2:
Yg sehat = soup, vegetable, fruit yg tidak= hamburger, pizza, ;)