
Tolong Berikan Contoh Dialogue 4 Orang Yang Didalam Dialogue Tersebut Terdapat Expressing Love ,expressingsadness

tolong berikan contoh dialogue 4 orang yang didalam dialogue tersebut terdapat expressing love ,expressing sadness ,expressing embarrassment ,expressing attitudes towards something and ,expressing anger snd annoyance.

Jawaban 1:

A: i love you
B: i love you too but i can't to be with you. i'm sorry

Pertanyaan Terkait

Example narrative text

Jawaban 1:

The hen and egg silver..

Jawaban 2:

i and my friend really love to went to the beach, my friend name was arvin he came from phils. so we decided to went to the kuta in bali, because peoples say in there was amazing. we went by plane. and we arrived in there at the afternoon. so without thinking again,we just went to the motel that near with kuta's beach. we changed out clother and went to the beach.

finally our feet steped in kuta's sand. we felt so happy. after that arvin found a seal that have many colour, and it was so beautiful. he gave that seal to me. he said it was a special gift from him. without relize the sunset came. we looked it together. it was an unforgeting moment with him. in the night, we went to bali's road for food's adventure and searched for some accessories.

and we went back to aur home in the next week.

Contoh kalimat presentense dalam bahasa inggris minimal 5 paragraf

Jawaban 1:

My name is jojon .
the sun rises from the east .
i usually go sopphing every week .
my mother is tika .
cats are mammals .
goats eat grass
the sky is blue .
tiger are carnivore
nono always plays soccer every Sunday

Penjelasan dari tanking

Jawaban 1:

Maksudnya gimana ya? karena konteks nya berbeda beda
contoh dalam perang
Lets tanking this area and destroy all the villages
terjemahan : Mari kita kerah kan tank tempur untuk menghancurkan desa ini

He is tanking the water from the pipe
Dia menampung air dari keran

Jadi harus jelas dulu konteksnya

How many morpheme ? explain it?

Jawaban 1:

Morpheme dibagi menjadi 2 : free morpheme dan bound morpheme.
free morpheme : kata yang dapat berdiri sendiri dan berpotensi membentuk kata.
bound morpheme : merupakan morpheme yang tidak dapat berdiri sendiri, tidak berpotensi membentuk kata namun berpotensi membentuk imbuhan.

Definisi asking and giving opinion ???

Jawaban 1:

giving opinion=memberi pendapat

Jawaban 2:

Asking and giving opioninon adalah ungkapan-ungkapan dalam bahasa inggris untuk memonta dan memberi pendapat.

What do you think about our country ?  

Jawaban 1:

Indonesia is a great and beautiful country. It have thousands beautiful islands and great sea which surrounding thousands beautiful islands. Indonesia is tropical country, so it have 2 season, dry season and wet season.

Jawaban 2:

Rich Country, but Corrupt everywhere !!

Tolong buatin percakapan bahasa inggris tentang rencana setelah lulus SMA

Jawaban 1:

Fira: Hallo del
Dela : Hy Fir. How are you?
Fira : Oh, i'm fine. And you?
Dela : I'm fine. By the way, if you graduate, is you plan worked?
Fira : Maybe, but accually I want school again. Mmm, and you?
Dela : Oh, I want help my mom work.
Fira : Succes ya Del.
Dela : Yes, thankyou
Fira : You're wellcome

Dialog dengan tema planning setelah lulus SMA

Jawaban 1:

Persiapkan dirimu sebaik mungkin untuk menghadapi tantangan dalam menggapai impian.

Ada yang bisa buatin cerita spoof text tentang pengalaman pribadi ndak?? kalo bisa tolong balas ya

Jawaban 1:

Tentang pengalan  pribadi seperti recount text.
recint text menceritakan pengalaman pribadi kamu,dan menggunakan past tense

Why Simple present tenses to use in the descriptive text?

Jawaban 1:

Because we need it for description something that is live happenned or its a imagine. and if we use simple past tense usually we descripting about holiday or experience..

Jawaban 2:

I have a hamster. It is small and cute. I give him a name, Dion. I bought him last month when I visited Jogjakarta. I really love him. Dion has 3 different colours, white, orange and black. His eyes and ears are small. He always squeaks in the time I come close to his cage. Every morning I feed him. Dion likes to eat some grass and leaves. I takes the grass from the field near my house. Dion looks happy to eat it.

#Because all that stories in your writing have not happenned yet ... just as a describing :)