
There Care Many Reasons For Keeping Dogs As Pete In The City Area, But Many Peo- Ple Feel That Keeping

There care many reasons for keeping dogs as Pete in the city area, but many peo- ple feel that keeping pet dogs should not be allowed In the city. Dogs are often not taken care properly. They are kept in small backyards and rarely taken for walks. They are left in the yard all day by themselves while the family rune work. Very little attention is given to the dog and it is not a very good life for it. It is no wonder why these dogs bark and disturb the neighbours and become a nuisance to the community.    On the other hand, not all people treat their dogs this may and why should the peo- ple receive a lot of pleasure and enjoyment from dog's stifle'? Dogs can make a lonely person's life happy or make wonderful play- mate. It can also teach a child responsibility as they not only Potts lay with the dog, but also need to exercise, feed, and care for the dog.    I feel that we should be allowed to keep dogs in the city, because ills is taken care of properly, dogs can be a great source of pleasure. As a child / used to enjoy playing and taking care of my pet. There is not greater loyalty a nelson can get than from a well-caned dog.  1. Some people do not like the presence of pet dogs In their surroundings because ....  
(A) the dogs are left in the yards 
(B) the dogs are often neglected
(C) the dogs often bark and disturb the neighbours
(D) the dogs play with the owner's child
(E) the dogs guard the security of the enyit onrnent 

2. The main idea of the last paragraph is ....  
(A) pet dogs are loyal animals
(B) pet dogs are more loyal than humans
(C) dogs can be a great source of pleasure
(D) the writer has no objection to keeping dogs In the city
(E) the writer used to play and took care of his pet when he was a child 

3. We can infer from the text that keeping pet dogs in the city will not cause any problem as long ....  
(A) the dogs are amusing
(B) the neighbours like having pet dogs
(C) the dogs do not balk at the neighbours
(D) the writer has succeeded in persuading the neighbours
(E) its presence does not disturb the neighbourhood

Jawaban 1:

1.c.the dogs often bark and disturb the neighbours
2.c.dogs can be a great source of pleasure
3.e.it's presence does not disturb the neighbourhood
ini menurut jawaban saya :)

Pertanyaan Terkait

Bagaimana cara membuat biografi dengan benar dan beri contohnya ?

Jawaban 1:

Biografi berisi cerita secara runtut seorang tokoh mulai dari masa dia kecil hingga akhir hayat atau puncak karirnya. COntoh biografi yang terkenal adalah milik pendiri perusahaan Apple, Steve Jobs. Untuk biografi di Indonesia biasanya terbit saat seseorang berusaha masuk ke kancah politik seperti biografi Chairil Tanjung atapun biografi Prabowo. 

Contoh percakapan panjang simple present tense buat dua orang yang bagus itu gimana ?

Jawaban 1:

A : good morning
B : good morning too, how are you today?
A :  im fine thank you and you?
B : im fine to thank you..
A : what are you doing ?
B : i do my homework
A : what your homework?
B : my english homework
A : can i help you?
B : you very kind, but i can do it..
A : oh, okey, i want to back home, see you tomorrow
B : see you friend..

Jawaban 2:

Simple present itu di gunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kebiasaan misalnya ada kata kata always,usually.simple present di gunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang umum seperti matahari terbit jam 7 pagi .

Apa bahasa inggrisnya kita harus masak dengan bahan dasar singkong (lampau/past tense/past perfect tense) ?

Jawaban 1:

We have to cook the cassava

Buatlah dialog b.inggris bertema expressing probability and possibility!

Jawaban 1:

Arya      : Hi Erna, why do you collect many stamps?
Erna      : Ohh…. Hi Arya. I am collecting the stamps for my collection.
Arya      : What do you mean?
Erna      : Yes, actually my hobby is collecting stamps.
Arya      : Why do you like collecting stamps?
Erna      : Because I like to see the unique pictures of the stamps. How about you, what is your hobby?
Arya      : Hmm… I think I don’t have hobby. Should we have a hobby?
Erna      : Not really. But in our lives we must have something we like most which is called hobby.
Arya      : So, hobby is a pleasure. Then, I think I have a hobby now.
Erna      : Of course, so what is your hobby?
Arya      : I like to read comics especially detective Conan.
Erna    : That is your hobby. Reading comic. Do you have all of detective Conan’s collection?
Arya      : Yes, I do. I even go to the black market because the original comics have not yet been published. How about your stamps collection?
Erna      : So far I have collected stamps from some countries but I still should find other stamps.
Arya      : Do you need much money for your hobby?
Erna      : Yes of course I need much money because I order the stamps so it costs little bit expensive.
Arya      : Wow…. Your hobby is expensive.
Erna      : Yeah but I like to do it.
Arya      : Okay good luck with your hobby.
Erna      : Thank you.

What is the differenceof the wish and hope? And what is no formula & pattern??

Jawaban 1:

“Hope”  diterapkan dalam sebuah kalimat sebagai ”sesuatu yang benar-benar diharapkan akan menjadi sebuah hal nyata/positif”.

“Wish” digunakan untuk sesuatu yang sama sekali tidak akan terjadi. Maksudnya adalah kita ”berharap” tapi ”berharap hal yang kita maksudkan tidak menjadi sebuah kenyataan”. Dengan bahasa lugas diasosiasikan bahwa ”wish” lebih bermakna sebagai sebuah hal negatif atau istilah ”harapan palsu”.

Perhatikan contoh kalimat berikut.
Contoh :
I hope that she will give me a call tonight.
(kalimat ini berarti bahwa saya benar-benar mengharapkan dia menelpon nanti malam).

I wish that she can give me a call tonight.
(kalimat ini bermakna saya berharap dia tidak menghubungiku malam ini)

Tolong buat debat menggunakan bahasa inggris temanya masalah di indonesia yang lagi buming makasih

Jawaban 1:

Debat tentang acara tayangan di TV ya OVJ atau YKS
A :  My purpose to watch television program is to get entertained, therefore I love OVJ and YKS.
B : But do you know that both of these program has some bad influences toward the audiences? 
A : Really? I dont realize that
B : There are a lot of uneducated jokes from both of these programs, such as bullying the other, pour a powder to others, insult the physically appearance, and many more
A : Ahaa.. I think the good programs are not supposed to do that 

Bagaimana agar cepat menguasai conversation...??

Jawaban 1:

1. Mengikuti bimbingan belajar khusus bahasa inggris
2. Jangan malu untuk berbicara bahasa inggris
3. Rajin - rajin membaca 'Reading Comperhension' kayak Narrative, Report, dll. Lalu diartikan
4. Rajin rajin main game atau pun sebagainya, yang berbahasa inggris
5. Biasakan lihat kamus berbentuk buku, bukan elektronik (google translate), misalkan dalam suatu teks ada kesulitan satu kalimat, kalau dilihat di kamus berbentuk buku, itu bisa banyak artinya
6. Bahasa Inggris harus DIPAHAMI, bukan DIHAPALI, jadi kalau orang ngomong nya cepet, tapi kita tahu cuman sedikit, kita bisa artiin lebih
7. Kalau memang termasuk orang mampu, ada namanya kampung Pare, atau lebih dikernal dengan Kampung Inggris

 Mungkin itu aja,
Kalau ane dulu, waktu SD kursus di Michigan English Course, disitu kalau kita ngomong bahasa indonesia, di denda Rp. 1000, hahaha

Jawaban 2:

Ngobrol sama bule selama 3 bulan mungkin

Put the superlative form of adjective  the following 1/ funny
2. beautiful
3. good
4. bad
5. big
6, delicious
7. large
8. difficult
9. busy
10. expensive

Jawaban 1:

1. Fun - funnier - the funniest
    Fun - more fun - the most fun
Peter is funny, he is even funnier than Jane. In fact he is the funniest guy I know.
The party was fun, but last week party was more fun. The party Ben threw last year was the most fun, though.

2. beautiful - more beautiful - the most beautiful
3. good - better - the best
4. bad - worse - the worst
5. big - bigger - the biggest
6. delicious - more delicious - the most delicious
7. large - larger - the largest
8. difficult - more difficult - the most difficult
9. busy - busier - the busiest
10. expensive - more expensive - the most expensive

Apa perbedaan see dan look?

Jawaban 1:

See= untuk  orang
look= untuk benda

Jawaban 2:

Kalo "look" biasanya ada di kalimat perintah tapi kalo "see" ada di kalimat pernyataan

Contoh-contoh conjunction dalam recount text?

Jawaban 1:

Conjunction itu kata hubung, ex : but, or, when, if, for, and, because.
coba aja dibuat kalimat

Jawaban 2:

Conjunction itu sama aja kayak konjungsi the example are 
semoga mebantu,klik jawaban terbaik yaa