
......stamp Is Expensive Hobby.we Have To Buy Many Kinds Of Stamps From Foreigncontries A.collectedB.collectC.collectingD.to

......stamp is expensive hobby.we have to buy many kinds of stamps from foreign contries A.collected
D.to collects

Jawaban 1:

Jawabannya c. collecting stamp
mengoleksi perangko adalah hobby yg ssangat mahal

semoga membantu

Jawaban 2:

Collecting stamp is expensive hobby. We have to buy many kinds of stamps from foreign contries.

Pertanyaan Terkait

Carikan saya pekerjaan dan ruangan yang ada di restaurant dalam bahasa inggris mohon cepaaaaaaaaaat

Jawaban 1:

Pekerjaan : "chef"
ruangan    : "kitchen"

Jawaban 2:

* waiter

Soal pilihan berganda exxpresing

Jawaban 1:

- Giving certainty (kepastian) 
A : "Are you sure that she got hit by bus?"
B : "....."

a) What a coincidence!
b) I see...
c) Definitely
d) I'm not certain 
jawabannya C

- Expressing doubt (ketidakpastian)
A : "Are you sure that she got hit by bus?"
B : "...."

a) I doubt it
b) Was she?
c) I feel sorry for her
d) I'm doubt

jawabannya A (karena kalo I'm pakenya doubtful) 

- Expressing admiration
A : " Look at that painting. Michelangelo is such a great artist!
B : "....

a) How beautiful painting it is!
b) What beautiful it is!
c) Pardon me?
d) How beautiful that painting is!

jawabannya D (karena kalau awalan How, pakenya adjective. sedangkan What, pakenya noun phrase)

apa yang dimaksud simple present tense dan apa yang membedakannya dengan vocab vocab yang lain misal like dengan likes

Jawaban 1:

Tergantung dari pro-nounnya apa kalau HE,SHE,IT itu menggunakan (+)positivnya V1+S+object+adverb (-)negative does+not+v (?)introgative does +st+v1
kalau THEY WE YOU menggunakan (+)positive v1+object+adverb (-)negative do+not+v1 (?)introgt do+s+v1 ..maaf kalau salah

Jawaban 2:

Setahu saya, simple present tense itu tense yang digunakan pada kalimat yang menunjukkan kebiasaan (habit), atau yang biasa dilakukan sehari-hari. contoh : "I likes eating breakfast every morning ." yang membedakan dengan verb yang lain ialah kondisinya, contoh jika dibandingkan dengan present continuous tense,
bila simple present tense "he sleeps with a blanket" (dia tidur dengan selimut -> menunjukkan kebiasaan) 
sedangkan present continuous tense :"he is sleeping with a blanket" (dia sedang tidur dengan selimut -> menandakan sedang terjadi)
jadi pada verb yang berakhiran 's' seperti likes pada simple present tense, itu menandakan kegiatan tersebut sudah menjadi habit (kebiasaan)

Bahasa inggrisnya motor apa

Jawaban 1:

Bahasa inggrinya motor adalah : motorcycle :-)

Jawaban 2:

Bhs inggrisnya sepeda motor itu motorcycle

Apakah arti bar, can,cup,glass ,kilogram, piece,slice,spoonfull

Jawaban 1:

Can =dapat,
piece =potongan pazel
glass = gelas

Jawaban 2:

Batang,bisa,cangkir,gelas,kilogram,potongan,irisan,kalau spoonfull aku tidak tau

Among the four animals which different animal and explain why this is a different animal.  (a). Polar Bear  (b). Fish (c). Cat (d). beaver

Jawaban 1:

Fish, because it belongs to pisces while the others belong to mammals

Jawaban 2:

Fish. because fish is not a mammals

Carikan contoh percakapan asking and giving opinion tentang memasak  

Jawaban 1:

A: hi, where are you going
b: to the market, i'm going to buy ingredients for dinner tonight
a: what are you going to cook?
b: i don't know, what do you think i should cook.
a: i think pizza would be nice.
b: goog idea. do you like it spicy.
a: no. in my opinion spice is not good for helth
b: ok then thanks for your opinion

Jawaban 2:

A. can you help me cook meat-ball?
    =yes of course...


Jawaban 1:

Tree is a one of more than one milion plants in the earth. Tree is a living creature that moves passively. Same like another plants, tree can also do photosynthsize that produce oxygen. Tree is important in our earth. Beside it can produces the fresh air, it can prevent global warming more that 60%.

Coba buat teks descriptive tentang lebah dalam bahasa inggris!:)

Jawaban 1:

Honey bee is the nave of several species of socially oriented bees distinguished by their honey making and hoarding, honeybees have long been domesticate, and they are also naturalized on every continent exept Antartica 

honeybees require an ample supply of flower in their habitat, since this is their food source. they also need suitable place to build hives. in cooler temperature climates, the hives site must be large enough for the bees 

bees are dependent of flower for foo. pollen-their main source of protein, vitamins, minerals, and fat is necessary for the development of all larval bees 

adult bees forage fro pollen and nectar, the sweet liquid produced by flowers, in flowers, thus pollinating, or fertilizing, plant seeds. bees also collect nectar as an energy source

they either consume the nectar direcly or convert it to honey in the hive 

semoga membantu dan menjadi jawaban terbaik :) 

Jawaban 2:

Bee is an animal,bee can fly and bee can produce honey.
bees very useful for humans
Sorry klo salah,aku pemula :)

Assalamualaikum ^_^
ada yang bisa buatkan contoh postcard liburan dalam bahasa Inggris?.

Jawaban 1:

"hi John? How're you there? I'm very well. I hope 2 weeks to go, i could see your face again. Sydney, lots of memories here! I cannot believe why suddenly I just arrived at here. I'm staying at one of homestay here. If you go to here, omg!!!! you'll never believe it! full of shopping places, the beaches, and the other fun places! c'mon, i miss you :(

see you again 2 weeks to go. I'm gonna flight to Indonesia 

Masha Mc lamour