
Sebutkan Benda Benda Yang Ada Di Kelas Beserta Fungsinya Dalam Bahasa Inggris !

Sebutkan benda benda yang ada di kelas beserta fungsinya dalam bahasa inggris !

Jawaban 1:

Chair to sit. tables for writing. cabinets to put a book or file. markers to write on the board

Jawaban 2:

Whiteboard : a space for teacher to write down the things for the subject that he/she teach
Marker : equipment used to write in whiteboard 
Whiteboard eraser : to erase the markers' writing in the whiteboard 
(Err... I'm quite unsure about the last one lol)

Pertanyaan Terkait

Contoh percakapan b.inggris menggunakan Do you mind dan jawabannya?

Jawaban 1:

- Q= Do you mind repeating you explanation again ?
  A= Yes ,of course,,

- Do you mind sitting beside me?
  =ohh,,thanks, with the pleasure..

semoga membantu..

Jawaban 2:

"Do you mind if i help you? " "No, I don't"

Di suruh bikin teks monolog berbentuk narative dalam bahasa inggris 

Jawaban 1:

"To be king poor monkey wants"
Once upon a time, Monkey dance at gathering of animals and they are all pleased with his performance that they elected their king. A fox envying the honor, discovered a piece of meat lying in the trap and leading the monkey to the spot, said that he found a shop in the woods, but do not use it, he had been saving for him as treasure trove of his kingdom and consuled him to seize it.
monkey approached carelessly and was caught in a trap, and his accousing the fox deliberately took him into a trap, he replied "Oh monkey and you, with your mind like you will be the king of animals?"

Contoh text descriptive tentang rusa mengunakan bahasa inggris disertai terjemahannya

Jawaban 1:

 coba buka www.centralartikel.com atau sro.web.id

Apa arti dari ash tray???????????

Jawaban 1:

Asbak - tempat abu rokok atau semacamnya

Jawaban 2:

Asbak rokok/tmpat abu rokok

Make a simple dialogue using polite manner expressions based on these situations  1.your young brother is watching tv loudly .  you have examination tomorrow .
2.your teacher is bringing many books , she can't close the door . you want to help her to close the door

Jawaban 1:

U = Ma'am could i help you go to close the door.
your teacher = how kind you are thank you so much.

Jawaban 2:

1. You: Nathan, would you mind to decrease the volume please? I have an exam tomorrow. I must read some books. Your brother (Nathan): No problem..
2. You: Miss Axel, you'd like to come in. Let me open the door for you miss. Your teacher (Miss Axel): Yes please. Thank u.

Apa kata jamak dari :  1.children, 2.women, 3.tooth, 4.mouse, 5.men, 6.tick, 7.goose, 8.leg, 9.evidence, 10.bay, 11.life, 12.leave, 13.shelf, 14.wife, 15.knife, 16.calf, 17.fly, 18.city, 19.work, 20.folio, 21.volcano, 22.church, 23.bench, 24.timepiece, 25.dress, 26.brush, 27.pupil, 28.ruler, 29.umbrella, 30.door, 31.house, 32.question ?
Mohon di jawab ya :),dan makasih yang udah jawab :)

Jawaban 1:

Tambah "s" dan "es" aja

Jawaban 2:

1.childrens 2.womens 3.teeth 4.mouses 5.mens 15.knives 28.rulers i just know that sorry

My name is andre. I am fourteen years old. I have a little brother. His name is andy. He is four years youngers than me. Two days ago Andy had a 1_______. My mother tried to lower the fever by giving him some 2_______. However,the next day, his fever had still not gone down. So she took Andy to the 3______. In the hospital,the doctor 4_______ Andy. Then he said that Andy had 5_______. My mother was very worried my father tried to calm her down because Andy's 6_______ was not very bad. "There is still hope," said the doctor to my mother. Every day, the doctor 7______ Andy and gave him the proper 8_____ and medicine. Finally a week after, Andy's fever had gone down. The doctor told us that the critical time had passed and Andy could go home as soon as possible.  

Jawaban 1:

1. fever
2. medicine
3. hospital
4. examine
5. typhoid
6. condition
7. check
8. treatment

Jawaban 2:

1. fever
2. medicane
3. hospital
4. check
5. scarlet fever
6. disease
7. treating
8. drug

i'm sorry if my answer is wrong. i just a ordinary people

Notice rambu-rambu lalu lintas dengan penjelasannya dalam bahasa inggris

Jawaban 1:

No entry = dilarang berhenti
turn left = belok kiri
turn right = belok kanan
stop = stop
no parking = dilarang parkir
no turn left = dilarang belok kiri 
no turn right = dilarang belok kanan
bus stop = bus berhenti
parking = boleh parkir
danger = bahaya

Jawaban 2:

No cyling , no motor vehicles,no buses(over 8 passenger seats),no left turn,maximum speed 40 km,give way to up,no stop,no entry. itu saja yang ku tahu

Apa arti kata title dalam bahasa inggris...??

Jawaban 1:

Kelas : -
Pelajaran : bahasa Inggris
Kategori : definition
Kata kunci : title

Title (noun) is the name of a book, a film, musical piece, painting, or other work of art, etc.

Title (noun - for person) is a word that is used before someone's name, stating their social rank, qualifications, position in an organization, sex, etc.

Titles (noun - plural) is a written title, credit, or caption shown with a film, video, or performance.

Title dapat diartikan judul. Tetapi, title untuk seseorang, diartikan gelar.

Deskripsi jalan raya dalam bahasa inggris

Jawaban 1:

The road is the way who connect you to someplace.

Jawaban 2:

Highway is a people traffic. Highway filled with a rider. Highways are always made of very black asphalt