
Once Happy Monkey Dance At Gatherings Of Animals, And They Are All Very Pleased With His Performance

  Once happy monkey dance at gatherings of animals, and they are all very pleased with his performance that they elected him their king. A
Fox, envying him the honor, discovered a piece of meat lying in a trap,
and leading the Monkey to the spot, said that he had found a shop in
the woods, but do not use it, he had been saving for him as treasure
trove of his kingdom, and counseled him to seize it .

  Monkey approached carelessly and was caught in a trap, and on his
accusing the Fox deliberately took him into a trap, he replied, "Oh
Monkey, and you, with your mind like you, will be the King of animals

apa arti dari cerita di atas?

Jawaban 1:

Sebuah **** sedang berdansa di tengah perkumpulan hewan, semua sangat senang karena ***** tersebut terpilih menjadi raja, sang rubah yang tidak mengakui kekuasaan keledai mempersiapkan sebuah jebakan dengan menaruh sebuah daging dan membawa *** tersebut pergi ke tempat itu dengan berkata bahwa dia menemukan hadiah di dalam pohon, tapi dia tidak mau memakainya dia menyimpannya karena untuk harta karun di kerajaannya dan menyarankan ***** itu untuk memakainya. ***** itu datang dengan ceroboh dan tertangkap oleh jebakannya rubah, dan rubah berkata dengan pikiranmu yang seperti itu, akankah kamu menjadi raja?

Pertanyaan Terkait

Larangan larangan yang ada di bank dalam bahasa inggris

Jawaban 1:

1. Please queue!
2. Don't interrupted the queue!
3. Be carefull! Area is under hidden camera!

Why we shouldn't ban someone to smoking in front of public? Make it like, ARGUMENT

Jawaban 1:

Hmm ini sih contoh kalimat falacy bakalan.. tapi oke coba ya 
"Smoking is harmful for others, however it's also not totally the fault of the smoker. Some of smokers get addicted with nicotine, and therefore they cant think clearly without having cigarette in their hands. If the government can't provide a special spot for smokers such as in the airport or station, then we should not ban them to smoke in front of public. 

Jawaban 2:

I think we shouldnt ban someone to smoking in front of public, because it was someone right and we can't take it ..  this 'is my argument. thank you

Example descriptive text my school

Jawaban 1:

My school has a garden on the back of my school an canteen top of the floor

buatlah kata kata bijak dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris beserta translatenya ke bhs.Indonesia, minimal 6.

Jawaban 1:

Never Give Up - Tidak akan menyerah
Never Say Never - Tidak Pernah Berkata Tidak Pernah
Do Not Look Back Again - Jangan pernah melihat ke belakang lagi
Always Pray And Seek - Selalu Berdoa dan Berusaha
Try and you may say can't - Cobalah, dan kau boleh mengatakan tidak bisa
Take at look at your future - lihatlah masa depanmu

Makna lagu dari taylor swift-22 apa ya?? (Pake Bahsa Inggris)

plisss.. :)

Jawaban 1:

This song tell about someone who had a broken heart when he was 22...

Buatkan narrative text ^^ judulnya terserah kalian..  tapi ada clue nya// 
ini beberapa cluenya 

-On Sunday afternoon in rainy season,Dita didn’t
go anywhere. It was so cold that she liked doing her homework. ................
-When she did her homework,……
 -(write what were her
- Then she …………………… 
- (Write the way to overcome the
-How did the story end


minta bantuannya ya ^^

Jawaban 1:


on sunday afternoon in rainy season, dita didn't go anywhere. it was so cold that she liked to doing her homework. before, she wanted to went to Rika's house to do her homework together but the weather was bad.so she decided to do her homework alone in her bedroom. when she did her homework ... she just saw some lightning on the black sky but ... suddenly she heard a loud thunder "dddrrrrrrrgggghhh" she was so scared and then ran away from her bedroom and went to her mother's bedroom directly. she hugged her mother immediately. her mother said"why do you cry my lovely daughter?" she said" I'm so scared mom .. the thunder was very loud and that was made me so shocked." then her mother said" go to sleep ,, ignore the thunder .. don't think about the thunder, you just have to think something who you like" then she said" yes mom .. " so she back to her room and went sleep. when she woke up  she saw from the window , the sky was began light and just drizzle .. and of course the sun was rise .. she went out and she saw a double rainbows .. how happy Dita .. 

Tolong carikan dong cerita tentang si pandir dalam b inggris............

Jawaban 1:

Maksud nya apa?"ya ga ngerti

Tolong tuliskan bagian2 tubuh hewan sebanyak banyak nya dengan terjemahannya (b.inggris-indonesia)

Jawaban 1:

Anggota tubuh ikan
gill = insang
scale = sisik
petrocal fin = sirip dada
caudal fin = ekor
pelvic fin = sirip perut
dorsal fin = sirip punggung

Jawaban 2:

Leher : neck
kepala : head
kaki : foot
mata : eyes
hidung : nose
mulut : mouth
telinga : ear
bulu : feather
tanduk : horn
sayap : wing
ekor : tail
punuk : hump

Tolong bantu aku donkk cara memperkenalkan diri pakek bahasa inggris dan aku juga minta translate nya ya.... 

yang lengkap ya....

Jawaban 1:

Good morning my dear friends. Allow me to introduce myself for a couple of minutes. My complete name is Indra Herwawan and my nickname is Hendra. So you can call me by Hendra not Hermawan. I was born in Bandung, June 21st 1994. It was a long time and about eighteen years ago right?
I’m a very new person here because I just moved from Bandung to this capital city two days ago. When the first time live in Jakarta, I feel very hot but it has been a normal condition for me right now. In Bandung, I had a unique hobby that was speedcubing. It was a brain to play the Rubik’s cube faster and faster. Below is the picture of Rubik’s cube.
I also spend my time to play football and listening to the music when I get bored at home. But, when I live in Jakarta, I even have no idea to play football with my friends. Because, here I am a stranger and haven’t got friend yet. I live in Jl Kepulauan raya, West Jakarta. It’s approximately five kilometers from this school and I come here by bus.
In my house, I live with my parents and my twin sisters called Andin and Andina. My parents are Mr. Darmawan Sahreza and Mrs. Maia Sahreza. My father works as an engineer in one of the big company in Jakarta, while my mother works as an accountant in insurance company. My younger sisters are 5th grade of elementary school and both of them are ten years old.
That’s the end of my introduction and nice to meet you my friends..\


Selamat pagi teman-teman tersayang . Izinkan saya untuk memperkenalkan diri selama beberapa menit . Nama lengkap saya adalah Indra Herwawan dan nama panggilan saya adalah Hendra . Jadi, Anda bisa memanggil saya dengan Hendra tidak Hermawan . Saya lahir di Bandung , 21 Juni 1994. Itu adalah waktu yang lama dan sekitar delapan belas tahun yang lalu kan?

Saya orang yang sangat baru di sini karena saya baru saja pindah dari Bandung ke ibukota ini dua hari yang lalu . Ketika pertama kali tinggal di Jakarta , saya merasa sangat panas tetapi telah menjadi kondisi normal bagi saya sekarang. Di Bandung , saya punya hobi unik yang speedcubing . Itu adalah otak untuk bermain kubus Rubik lebih cepat dan lebih cepat . Di bawah ini adalah gambar kubus Rubik .

Saya juga menghabiskan waktu saya untuk bermain sepak bola dan mendengarkan musik ketika saya bosan di rumah . Tapi, ketika saya tinggal di Jakarta , aku bahkan tidak tahu untuk bermain sepak bola dengan teman-teman saya . Karena , di sinilah aku orang asing dan tidak punya teman lagi . Saya tinggal di Jl Kepulauan raya , Jakarta Barat. Ini kira-kira lima kilometer dari sekolah ini dan saya datang ke sini dengan bus .

Di rumah saya , saya tinggal dengan orang tua saya dan saudara kembar saya disebut Andin dan Andina . Orang tua saya Bapak Darmawan Sahreza dan Mrs Maia Sahreza . Ayah saya bekerja sebagai seorang insinyur di salah satu perusahaan besar di Jakarta , sementara ibuku bekerja sebagai seorang akuntan di perusahaan asuransi . Adik perempuan saya yang kelas 5 SD dan keduanya berusia sepuluh tahun .

Itulah akhir dari pengenalan dan senang bertemu teman-teman saya saya ..

Jawaban 2:

Hello let me intoduce my self = saya akan memperkenalkan diri saya
my name is = nama saya
i live in = saya tinggal di
i'm school at = saya bersekolah di
any others question? = ada yang akan ditanyakan?

1.the student was confused about the material...........she met her teacher for more explanation. 2.galih wore a hat on his head..........he had a flag ceremony
3.mr.tom went to work early........he did not come to the office late
4.i visited sanur beach........kuta beach on sunday
5......................................he ate a lot of cake,he was still hungry
6......the boy was playing basketball,his friend called him from the far distance
7.he did not bring money,.........he could not buy food at canteen
8.your wallet was......in your trousers pocket.....on the dressing table where you left them
9.........................we celebrated new year.............we would have exam the next day
10.i was walking along the street...........................i met my neighbor.

Jawaban 1:

1. so
2. because
3. so
4. and
5. whereas
6. while
7. so
9. whereas
10. and