
Narrative Text Yang Bagus Dan Jarang Di Dengar Orang??

Narrative text yang bagus dan jarang di dengar orang??

Jawaban 1:

The story snow white
In earlier times there lived a , who named Snow White . He lived with his aunt and uncle because his parents died . One day she heard her uncle and aunt talking about leaving Snow White in the castle because they wanted to go to America and they did not have enough money to take Snow White with them . princess Snow White did not want her uncle and aunt to do this . So he decided to escape .

 The next day he ran away from home when her aunt and uncle were having breakfast , he fled into the wood . In the wood she felt very tired and hungry . Then she saw this cottage . She knocked but no one answered her so she went inside and felt asleep Meanwhile seven dwarfs came home from his work . They get into . There, they found Snow White woke up from his sleep . He saw the dwarfs . The dwarf said : " What is your name ? ' Snow White said , " My name is Snow White . " One dwarf said , " If you want , you can stay here with us . ' Snow White tells all about her story . Then daughter snow and the seven dwarves are now living happily ever after .

Pertanyaan Terkait

Lengkap b.inggris berikut galilei galileo was an italian....,mathematician,astronomer.
this great man was the first to use a.....telescope to make imperative astronomical discoveries.his.....also include improvements to the telescope and support for copernicanism .

Jawaban 1:


 When we use Modal Auxiliaries ?

Jawaban 1:

Auxiliary verbs (can and could)
Can bisa digunakan untuk :
*menyatakan kemampuan/ability
*membuat kalimat permintaan/request
Kalimat positif : S + Can + V1
Kalimat negatif : S + Cannot/Can't + V1
Kalimat tanya : Can + S + V1

Could bisa digunakan untuk :
*Bentuk lampau/past dari can. untuk menerangkan kemampuan/ability masa lampau.
*Untuk membuat kalimat pertanyaan/request dan juga perintah/order.

Maaf jika tidak membantu^^

Aku mau nanya contoh kalimat compound complex sentense...terimaksih

Jawaban 1:

While he was cleaning the kitchen, he found a lot of expired food, but he didn’t  got rid of it immediately. itu contohnya

Jawaban 2:

• Complex-Compound Sentence (Kalimat Majemuk Sempurna) yaitu kalimat gabungan antara kalimat majemuk dan kalimat sempurna yaitu kalimat yang terdiri dari 1 atau lebih kalimat utama dan 1 atau lebih anak kalimat .
Perhatikan contoh-contoh kalimat berikut ini:
• Jean is in the house (simple sentence)
• It’s starting to rain and I have left my deck-chair outside (Compound Sentence)
• The suspect denied that he had been in the neighborhood (Complex Sentence)
• The man stole the jewelry and he did it in his home until he could safely get out of town. (Complex-Compound Sentence)

Kasih solusinya dong gimana biar cepet bisa belajar bahasa inggris?

Jawaban 1:

Jadikan kebiasaaan setiap hari, bicara dengan teman walaupun campur campur juga gakpapa, asik aja.

Jawaban 2:

Dengerin musik mancanegara,trus cari kosakata baru,verb-verb yg baru yg belum dimengerti cari di kamus

Had only gazed on one side of the path, so it must be blind in the other eye. one of its footprints was less marked than the other, and the means it must be lame in one foot.  i notice that all its dropping were in one heap , instead of being spread around as usually happens, so i thought that this camel must be missing its tail.

help me please.. saya sdh nyoba buat translate cerita ini.. cuma artinya sebagian gk nyambung.. udah nyari juga ke berbagai sumber plus pake logika utk menyambungkan ceritanya tp tetep aja gk bisa.. mungkin ada yang bisa nyambungin??

Jawaban 1:

ini translatenya;) 
hanya menatap pada satu sisi jalan, sehingga itu harus menjadi buta di mata yang lain. salah satu jejak kaki yang kurang ditandai dari yang lain, dan itu berarti harus lumpuh di salah satu kakinya.

  saya melihat bahwa semuanya dijatuhkan di salah satu tumpukan, bukannya menyebar ke seluruh seperti yang biasanya terjadi, jadi saya pikir bahwa unta ini harus kehilangan ekornya.

Complete the sentences,which use verbs of perception,with your own words. 1. Mr.Heru noticed the man beside him.........
2. The girl watched me......
3. I like listening to........
4. The man heard the group of people......
5. Did you see........

Jawaban 1:

1. To cleaning the bathroom
2. Like she want to killing me
3. Music and it sounds good
4. Always talking about issue
5. The flames tonight?

Bagaimana cara membedakan penggunaan Mr,Mrs,Ms,dan Miss? 

Jawaban 1:

Mr. untuk situasi formal Mrs untuk perempuan sudah menikah Miss untuk wanita belum menikah Ms untuk wanita yang belum kita ketahui statusnya(menikah/belum)

Jawaban 2:

Mr. untuk laki-laki yg lebih tua Mrs. untuk wanita yang telah menikah.. Ms untuk wanita yang belum kita ketahui statusnya (apakah sudah menikah atau belum) sedangkan Miss untuk wanita yang belum menikah..

Put the following sentences into reported speech using a reporting verb in the pst tense 1. is your bicycle a new one ?
2. can you do it for me ?
3. did bill buy the dress ?
4. will the director be here before 8 o'clock ?
5. hasn't she eaten anything yet ?

Jawaban 1:

Ada ceritanya kan? ceritanya mana?

Coba buatkan Annoucement (pengumuman) bahasa inggris untuk pemberitahuan kepada murid suatu kelas tentang ulangan akhir semester!

Jawaban 1:

 announced that soon we will carry out the final exams .. please do the students prepare carefully from now on,,

Jawaban 2:

To all students who follows the UAS test, please to prepare everything .
Thank for your attention

Sebutkan contoh expression of sadness and loved!

Jawaban 1:

Expression of sadness :i was sad to here that ... ,oh, no ! , i can’t hold on the tears anymore, so sad . exspression of love : i have crush on you , from the first i met youx'i think i love you , i live you , mom..

Jawaban 2:

Expressions of love                                                    Responses                        
 I love you                                                       accepting love : I am very fond of you                                        * I love you too I am attracted to you                                         * I am also very fond of you     I fall for you                                                      * It's not one-sided I am in love with you I have a crush on you                                     Rejecting love : I have a thing for you                                        * I am sorry. I don't feel the same I really fancy you                                              * I'm afraid i don't have the same feeling. Iam smitten by you                                           * I'm afraid i can't accept your love

Exppresions of sadness                                             Responses
I am so sad                                                       * Take it easy This is the lowest time in my life                         * It'll get better soon I feel really awful                                               * lighten upI feel very down                                                * Cheer up  I am blue