
Kata Sifat Hewan Kelinci

Kata sifat hewan kelinci

Jawaban 1:

1Rabbit is a small mammal. Tehy usually living in the meadow, woods, grassland and even deserts. They live in group, eating vegetables especially carrots. They have 4 powerful hind legs. The two front paws have 5 toes and extra called dewclaw. The hind feet have 4 toes. They have many colors like white, black, brow, mixture et cetera.

semoga membantu,ok

Jawaban 2:

Aktif pada malam hari
jarang menggigit manusia
responsif terhadap makan 
suka hidup bergerombol
menyukai tempat sejuk
kadang suka memangsa sesamanya

Pertanyaan Terkait

Tolong translate kan ke dalam bahasa inggris tetapi harus ada yang memakai verb 2 1.minggu yang lalu saya pergi berwisata ke malang jawa timur
2.liburan yang lalu saya mengunjungi nenek di desa
3.kami pergi kesana naik bus
4.kami berangkat ke surabaya pukul 06.00 pagi
5.mereka meninggalkan semarang pukul 18.00 sore
6.saya dan keluarga saya menginap di sebuah hotel
7.kami melihat indahnya pemandangan
8.andi dan teman- teman nyabermain di tepi pantai
9.anak-anak laki-laki memancing di sebuah danau
10.anak-anak perempuan-perempuan menyaksikan sebuah film drama
11.anak-anak membangun/mendirikan istana pasir di tepi pantai
12. ayah dan ibu melihat matahari terbenam
13.saudara laki-laki nya(laki-laki) mengambil gambar dengan sebuah kamera digital
14.para murid sangat menikmati perjalanan wisata ke kaliurang
15.dalam prjalanan pulang kami merasa senang

Jawaban 1:

Kalau ga salah ya ._.v
1. I went to Malang, Jawa Timur, last week
2. I visited my grandmother in the village last holiday
3. We went there by bus
5. They left Semarang in about 6pm 

Jawaban 2:

1. Last week i went to Malang, Jawa Timur
2. Last holiday i visited my grandmother at the village
3. We traveled there by bus
4. We went to Surabaya at 06.00 in the morning
5. They leaved Semarang at 6.00 in the evening
6. Me and my family stayed at hotel
7. We saw beautiful view
8. Andi and friends played at the sore
9. Boys fished at a lake
10. Girls watched a drama
11. Kids made a sand castle at the sore
12. Father and Mother watched sun set
13. His cousin took a picture with a digital camera
14. The students very enjoyed the trip to kaliurang
15. In the way home, we felt happy

Maaf kalo salah :D

Contoh kata prepositional phrase apa?
bantu ya,,,

Jawaban 1:

1. after many tries
2. around the world
3. like a beautiful swan

Buatlah 1 tebak-tebakan berbahasa Inggris tentang hewan. 1 tebak-tebakan terdiri dari 3 ciri-ciri hewan tersebut

Jawaban 1:

It`s aves family , it`s has wings , it`s pink and a long beak
what the name of animal on the text?

maaf ya kalo salah

Jawaban 2:

there is an animal which has characteristics: long neck 1.memiliki
                                                                    2.makanannya leaves on tall trees
                                                                    3.berwarna orange
does it ....?

Jadiin kata beraturan ya said-his-had-her-promises-because-broken-the women-was-husband

Jawaban 1:

The women had broken because her husband was said his promises

Jawaban 2:

The women had broken because because her husband was said his promises.

2 or more than 2 syllables (no-y)
10 contoh

Jawaban 1:

most exiting
more expensive
most beautiful

Contoh text descriptive bertema hewan peliharaan

Jawaban 1:

My Sphynx cat is the only pet I have. He has a little hair but is not totally hairless as he has a peach fuzz over much of his body. His coat is often a warm chamois. My Sphynx has a normal cat proportion.
I like his tail although my mom say that it is like a rats tail. I love his usual color varieties including, tortoiseshell, chocolate, black, blue, lilac, chocolate etc. He is really an amazing cat. Believe it or not, he is very intelligent cat. He can respond my voice commands.

He is really funny as well as my friends get a joke. I love him so much as I love my mother.

ini contohnya..maaf ya cuma dikit

Jawaban 2:

Dion My Pet is a Hamster
 I have a hamster. It is small and cute. I give him a name, Dion. I bought him last month when I visited Jogjakarta. I really love him. Dion has 3 different colours, white, orange and black. His eyes and ears are small. He always squeaks in the time I come close to his cage. Every morning I feed him. Dion likes to eat some grass and leaves. I takes the grass from the field near my house. Dion looks happy to eat

Dia (perempuan) sedang menyapu lantai sekarang tolong buatin + - ? Nya dong memakai simple questions tense yyyyyyyy

Jawaban 1:

+ She is sweeping the floor
- she isn't sweeping the floor
? is she sweeping the floor ?

Jawaban 2:

(+) she is sweeping the floor now
( -) she is not sweeping the floor now
(?) is she sweeping the floor now?

Urutkanlah kalimat berikut dengan benar

Jawaban 1:

Julia always enjoy parties

Jawaban 2:

Julia always enjoy parties ..

Contoh Procedure Text dengan minimal 250 kata.

Jawaban 1:

1.      Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. 2.      Put the sugar, salt, flour, milk, vanilla, shortening and baking powder into a large bowl. Beat these ingredients for a minute. 3.      Add the eggs and beat for 2 or 3 minutes. Make sure that everything is mixed together well. 4.      Place liners in your cupcake pan. You can find some that will work for whatever theme you like. 5.      Fill the cupcake liners 2/3 full. You don't want to fill them any fuller because your cupcakes are going to expand and they will flow over the top. 6.      Bake your cupcakes for 23 minutes. You will know that they are done by placing a toothpick in them and having the toothpick come back out without any wet batter on it. 7.      Let the cupcakes cool before you decorate them. Here you can choose any colors and decorations that relate to your party's theme. You can also put some designs on the top of them if you wish.

Brikan contoh dialog bahasa inggris tentang kebersihan lingkungan sekolah

Jawaban 1:

A : Good morning. B : Good morning.

A : Where have you been? B : I’m from toilet. It’s so disgusting.
A : What’s the matter? B : Bad smell came out from the gent’s toilet when I passed through.

A : Oh, our friends don’t pay attention to clean environment. B : I think so. The toilet is the least example. Look another place. Garbage is found everywhere
A : Yea, It’s embarrassing. Do you think the other schools have the same habits like our friends. B : Some schools have a good rule to reduce the violation.

A : Example. B : They apply a heavy punishment to whom not to pay attention to keep clean.

A : How to do that? B : They have CCTV to control specific area.
 A : Wow, that’s cool. Our school should take it as an example. B : Yes, exactly.

Jawaban 2:

Trescha: "Hai Raya, what are you doing?".
Raya: "You don't know what i do?"
Trescha: "Yeah... I see!!!.. you eating junk food ya!."
Raya:"Thats right!" what about you ask to me?"
Trescha:"No.. I just tell you for "Dont wasting your trash anywhere".
Raya: "So, Problem for you if I'm wasting my trash with careless?"
Trescha: "You should remember, your earth your life. so, you should safe this earth!"
Raya: "Yeah, up to you. i will follow your attetion".