
Contoh Simple Present Tense, Verbal Dan Nominal

Contoh simple present tense, verbal dan nominal

Jawaban 1:

Simple Present Tense : Subject + V1 + keterangan waktu yang biasa dilakukan.ex : usually, every, always, often, sometimes,once, a week, a twice, etc.
Contohnya : he runs very quickly

Pertanyaan Terkait

Tolong describe dengan tema "my beloved home"

Jawaban 1:

My beloved home

It is located in the central park. My home is the sweetest home on my complex. It has green roof which is made from special clay. Therefore it is always shining when the sun light rise in the morning. 

Jawaban 2:

My home.. my everything.. even my home not as huge the president home or a museums.. even my home don't as rich as the businessman home.. i love my home.. because my home protect me from the light of the sun , from the extreme weather , from the cold of the rain.. but i still love my home..home sweet home.. you're my protecter from childhood.. how bad you're you still my home... i called it my beloved home

Help me please,, do you have file reguler and ireguler verb ? please upload, thanks :)

Jawaban 1:

Tentang Regular dan Irregular VerbMenjadi hal yang penting untuk memahami bentuk regular verb (kata kerja beraturan) dan irregular verb (kata kerja tak beraturan) karena pemahaman ini diperlukan untuk menempatkan bentuk kata kerja yang benar saat berkaitan dengan tenses.

Misalnya, kalimat affirmative/positif dari Past Tense akan memerlukan verb bentuk kedua (simple past) sementara kelompok perfect baik past, present, maupun future dan semua kalimat pasif/passive voice akan memerlukan kata kerja bentuk ketiga (Past Participle). Akan menjadi hal yang keliru, apabila bentuk kata kerja yang dipergunakan tidak tepat, terutama dalam penulisan kalimat dengan tense tertentu yang memerlukan perubahan bentuk kata kerja seperti yang telah disebutkan di atas. Seringkali dalam soal ujian sekolah baik jenismultiple choice maupun fill in the blanks seringkali ditanyakan.

Secara sederhana regular verb adalah kata kerja yang bentuk kedua (simple past) dan bentuk ketiganya (past participle) didapatkan dengan menambahkan -d atau -ed dari basic verb atau kata kerja bentuk pertamanya.

Sementara irregular verb adalah kata kerja yang bentuk kedua dan ketiganya tidak mengikuti aturan penamabahan -d dan -ed tersebut di atas.

Contoh regular verb: 

Infinitive: help
The past: helped
Past Past Participle: helped 

Contoh irregular verb:
Infinitive: take
The past: took
Past Participle: taken

Bisa jadi learn-learned-learned
Bisa juga learn-learnt-learnt seperti tabel irregular di atas

Jawaban 2:

regular :
Base Verb Past Past Participle Learn Learned Learned Study Studied Studied Cook Cooked Cooked Solve Solved Solved Ask Asked Asked Watch Watched Watched Listen Listened Listened
Base Verb Past Past Participle Grow Grew Grown Know Knew Known Begin Began Begun Draw Drew Drawn Drive Drove Driven Fly Flew Flown Give Gave Given Speak Spoke Spoken Swim Swam Swum Go Went Gone Take Took Taken Find Found Found Spend Spent Spent Teach Taught Taught Pay Paid Paid Feel Felt Felt Buy Bought Bought Meet Met Met Have Had Had Feed Fed Fed Keep Kept Kept Cut Cut Cut Hit Hit Hit Set Set Set Shut Shut Shut Fit Fit Fit

Apa2 saja adverb, sama action verb? tolong gan WONDERFUL ADVENTURES IN MY LIFE

I remembered the time when I was in elementary
school. That time was happy time to me. It was because in elementary school, I
did many activities which ware very enjoying. For the example, in holiday, I
and my family went to central java. There, I could meet my other families like
grandmothers, grand fathers, cousins, and many others.

Besides I could meet my other families, I also could
visit traditional  house there for the
example I visited keratin Yogyakarta. In that keratin I saw many instruments
from central java like flute, tambourine,drum,gung,and other musuc instruments.
I also saw many pictures of the leader from the first until the new one. From
those pictures gave knowledge for me about who people that ever led keratin
Yogyakarta .

Then, when I visited keratin Yogyakarta , I also saw
many tourists who visited that place. One of them was from England and she
introduced herself to me. Her name was angela. She was beautiful by having
blond hair , and she had blue eyes. We gave our phone number each other. I got
a new friend.

After visiting that keratin, I and my family backed
to my grandma’s  house. Then, I and my
family at evening continued to visit bringharjo market. Bringharjo market was a
traditional market which was every famous in central java. The first impression
when I looked  market. It was so
beautiful, even though it was very crowded. 

Jawaban 1:

Klo Ъќ slah ne ♧γ̲̣̣̥ÿ̲̣̣̣̥γ̥É‘̤̥̈̊α̣̣̥α̊α̊♧. adverb : happy,enjoying,beautiful action verb : remembered. activities. went. meet. visit. saw. gave. backed. continued. looked

Cara cepet biar bisa bahasa inggris ?

Jawaban 1:

Caranya adalah : kamu harus suka dulu guru dan pelajarannya. kanu harus sering menonton film barat kamu harus sering mendengar argumen bahasa inggria

Jawaban 2:

Les inggris.....sering baca artikel bhs.inggris....pelajari bahasa ingris....main game yang bahasa inggris.....lihat video pengetahuan tentang bahasa ingrris

Apa itu pengertian payphone

Jawaban 1:

Payphone adalah telepon umum :)

Jawaban 2:

Payphone itu telepon umum

Bagaimana cara membedakan penggunaan Mr,Mrs,Ms,dan Miss? 

Jawaban 1:

Mr. untuk situasi formal Mrs untuk perempuan sudah menikah Miss untuk wanita belum menikah Ms untuk wanita yang belum kita ketahui statusnya(menikah/belum)

Jawaban 2:

Mr. untuk laki-laki yg lebih tua Mrs. untuk wanita yang telah menikah.. Ms untuk wanita yang belum kita ketahui statusnya (apakah sudah menikah atau belum) sedangkan Miss untuk wanita yang belum menikah..

Apa nama lain dari Verb?

Jawaban 1:

Verb artinya adalah kata kerja atau activity

Jawaban 2:

Verb adalah sebutan untuk kata kerja (kata yang menunjukkan tentang aktivitas seseorang).

Pertanyaan yang biasanya diajukan dalam teks memo? Dalam bahasa inggris

Jawaban 1:

To whom this memo?
Arti : Untuk siapa memo ini?

Jawaban 2:

Tempat, Ditujukan kepada siapa!
Jadikan yang terbaik! :)

Contoh soal cause and effect dan jawabanya

Jawaban 1:

I got dark because the sun went down

Jawaban 2:

Maksud nya terjemahannya ???

Tolong bahasa inggris .in cerita ini ya :) pliss buat UTS besok :')

Lokasi pasar Minggu Pagi dulunya berada di sebelahnya stadion Gajayana
yang kemudian pada awal tahun 2008 dikarenakan akan dibangun MOG(Mall Olympic Garden) pemerintah setempat memindahkan lokasi ini ke lapangan Rampal di Jalan Panglima Sudirman yang berseberangan dengan Hotel Megawati dan Bale Barong Cafe.

Lokasi di lapangan Rampal yang dimiliki oleh militer dianggap kurang strategis, hingga Wisata Belanja Tugu direlokasi ke Jalan Simpang Balapan yaitu berada di sekitar bunderan depannya Ikan Bakar Cianjur (waktu itu IBC ini belum ada) dan English First (EF).

Namun beberapa bulan kemudian Pasar Minggu pagi ini kembali dipindah
mendekati stadion Gajayana di mana tempat awal mula pasar pagi ini
berasal. Tapi berada di badan Jalan Semeru sekaligus menutup jalan mulai
dari perempatan Jalan Bromo hingga ke persimpangan Jalan Ijen. Badan
jalan yang di depan De Liv digunakan untuk lahan parkir pengunjung pasar yang mulai beroperasi mulai pukul 6.00 WIB s/d 10.00 WIB .

Bagi Anda yang hobi memuaskan hasrat belanja, di sinilah tempat yang pas. Aneka keperluan sehari-hari hingga kuliner seperti lepat jagung, gethuk lidri, cenil, lupis, klepon, putu hingga kue �modern� seperti pizza, burger dan cokelat praline tersedia. Bila kudapan itu dirasa kurang nendang, ada berbagai pecel, sate, siomai, batagor, nasi rames, nasi uduk, kupang dan soto. Untuk pendampingnya, ada berbagai jus, es dan minuman hangat.

Busana seperti pakaian batik, kaos arema, pakaian untuk anak-anak,
pakaian untuk perempuan, kaos dari bertemakan yogyakarta dan juga
asesoris-asesoris seperti ikat pinggang, dompet, topi juga ada. Soal
harga ? Hmm.. tak perlu ditanyakan lagi, karena sangat terjangkau dan bisa ditawar.

Selain itu juga ada pedagang yang menjual peralatan makan/dapur,
perlengkapan tempat tidur, mainan anak, kerajinan, dan mata uang kuno
untuk para kolektor atau mahar pernikahan. Wah.. rasanya hari Minggu pagi di kota Malang belum afdol kalau belum singgah ke Wisata Belanja Tugu!

Jawaban 1:

Sunday Morning Market Location formerly located next to the stadium Gajayana
then in early 2008 due to be built MOG (Mall Olympic Garden) local government is to move the field in Jalan Panglima Sudirman Rampal opposite Barong Hotel Megawati and Bale Cafe.

Rampal field sites owned by the military is considered less strategic, to Holidays Shopping monument relocated to Jalan Simpang Racing around the roundabout which is in front of Ikan Bakar Cianjur (IBC's that time no) and English First (EF).

But a few months later Sunday Market this morning again moved
Gajayana approached the stadium where the market beginning this morning
originated. But the body is in Jalan Semeru while closing the road began
The road from the intersection to the intersection Bromo Ijen. body
road in front of De Liv used for visitor parking area market began operation began at 6:00 pm s / d 10.00 hrs.

For those who like to satisfy your shopping desires, here is the right place. Various daily necessities to the culinary as fast a corn, Gethuk lidri, cenil, Lupis, klepon, are desperate to modern cake like pizza, burgers and chocolate pralines available. If it is less kicking snack, there are various pecel, satay, siomai, batagor, rice Rames, coffè, mussels and soup. To mate, there are a variety of juices, iced and hot drinks.

Clothing such as batik clothing, arema shirts, clothing for children,
clothing for women, t-shirts from yogyakarta theme and also
accessories-accessories such as belts, wallets, hats are also available. about
price? Hmm .. do not ask anymore, because it is very affordable and negotiable.

In addition, there are vendors selling tableware / kitchenware,
crib bedding, toys, crafts, and old-fashioned currency
for the collector or wedding dowry. Well .. it's a Sunday morning in the city of Malang yet afdol if not stopped by the monument Shopping Travel

Jawaban 2:

Sunday Morning Market Location formerly located next to the stadium Gajayanathen in early 2008 due to be built MOG ( Mall Olympic Garden ) local government is to move the field in Jalan Panglima Sudirman Rampal opposite Barong Hotel Megawati and Bale Cafe .

Rampal field sites owned by the military is considered less strategic , to Holidays Shopping monument relocated to Jalan Simpang Racing around the roundabout which is in front of Ikan Bakar Cianjur ( IBC 's that time no ) and English First ( EF ) .

But a few months later Sunday Market this morning again movedGajayana approached the stadium where the market beginning this morningoriginated . But the body is in Jalan Semeru while closing the road beganThe road from the intersection to the intersection Bromo Ijen . bodyroad in front of De Liv used for visitor parking area market began operation began at 6:00 pm s / d 10.00 hrs .

For those who like to satisfy your shopping desires , here is the right place . Various daily necessities to the culinary as fast a corn , Gethuk lidri , cenil , Lupis , klepon , are desperate to modern cake like pizza , burgers and chocolate pralines available . If it is less kicking snack , there are various pecel , satay , siomai , batagor , rice Rames , coffè , mussels and soup . To mate , there are a variety of juices , iced and hot drinks .

Clothing such as batik clothing , arema shirts , clothing for children ,clothing for women , t-shirts from yogyakarta theme and alsoaccessories - accessories such as belts , wallets , hats are also available. aboutprice ? Hmm .. do not ask anymore , because it is very affordable and negotiable .

In addition, there are vendors selling tableware / kitchenware,crib bedding , toys , crafts , and old-fashioned currencyfor the collector or wedding dowry . Well .. it's a Sunday morning in the city of Malang yet afdol if not stopped by the Tourism Shopping Monument !