Buat text hartatory explenation yang berjudul effect of insomnia
Jawaban 1:
Effect of Insomnia
Horatory -> thesis -> reason -> suggestion
Insomnia is kind of illness that makes people hard to sleep. Due to its negative effect, this illness is categorized as the dangerous symptoms. The reason could be classified from Internal feelings of the person. Therefore if we have this illness, better to have consultation toward the doctor. We stand to benefit by the greater time of sleep that we have.
Pertanyaan Terkait
Make good dialogues expressing feeling and atitude agung meets Hermin in a school canteen . They have a short conversation . Agung tell hermin that police stopped him yesterday. At first, he was very nervous because he doesn't have a driving license . In fact , the police distributed brosures
Jawaban 1:
H: hi, bro!
A: hi! Oh, I'd like to tell you something.
H: what?
A: I'm very nervous when I met someone last noon.
H: who? A pretty girl?
A: no, you are wrong! Haha
H: then?
A: a police.
H: what?
A: ssstt, its very funny. Haha. At the first, I think that police will check my drive lisence. As you know, I don't have that. So, I'm nervous. Haha
H: then what happen with you and the police?
A: actually, that police not check my lisence. But he just gave me brochures.
Jelasin tentang present perfect tense
Jawaban 1:
Present perfect adalah tenses yang menyatakan bahwa kejadian sudah dilakukan.
Rumus : S + Have/Has(Auxiliary) + V3
Misal : I have done my homework
Unsur : I = Subject
Have = Aux/Have/Has
Done = V3
Homework = Object
Umumnya ditambahkan kata Since + Time
Jadi : I have done my homework since this morning
Jawaban 2:
Present perfect itu berhubungan dengan kejadian yang sudah selesai. kata kuncinya sih ada kata "sudah", "baru saja", dsb.
misalkan "saya sudah mengerjakan PR", atau i have done my homework
Contoh pidato bahasa inggris
Jawaban 1:
Asalammualaikum wr.wb
an honorable the principal of...
an honorable the teaher of...
allow me to stand here to say great prayey to our god.
in this wontherful time, i also would like to say gradetitude to our be love .... who have given their time, knowege, atetntion ........
Jawaban 2:
The role of islamic student in globalization era...
Contoh review text hasil sendiri?
Jawaban 1:
MOVIE REVIEW Title : 2012 Genre : Science Fiction / Action / Drama Director : Roland Emmerich Year : November 13th 2009 Duration : 2 hours 40 minnutes Stars : John Cusack, Amanda Peet
2012 is Roland Emmerich's film which uses the Mayan calendar and other end-of-days prophecies for their doomsday scenario. In the Mayan calendar indirectly implied live on earth will be destroyed at the end of the year 2012. It imagines the world coming to an end in 2012. And the world is in ruin.
2012 film brings off a series of wonders. It starts when John Cusack drives a limo through the streets of Los Angeles as freeways and skyscrapers crumble all around him from the shock of a 10.5 earthquake. The climax occurs aboard the giant ark, when an equipment malfunction almost threatens the entire mission. Some people say this film is very great. Because the images on the film looks like real. combined with good sound effects, making this film was intense. therefore, this film received a very high rating. I think this movie is perfect, with a combination of music and images on film. This film also suitable to watch with the family when the holidays.
Tolong buatin teks explain ttg bagaimana cara tempe itu dibuat dong?
Jawaban 1:
Wash winnowing, sieve, fan and cukil to be used, then dried.Clean the soybeans of other ingredients are mixed, then wash thoroughly.Soak the soy beans were washed for 12-18 hours with regular cold water (hydration process that soybeans absorb water as much as possible).Remove the soybean seed coat has soft, then wash or rinse with clean water.Steamed / boiled soy beans until tender.After soybean feels soft, pour the seeds in the winnowing that has been cleaned, and then cooling it with the wind fan / fan, stirring, stirring until beans are warm.Sprinkle yeast tempeh (RAPRIMA) which has been prepared little by little, stirring, stirring so evenly (1.5 grams to 2 kg of tempeh soy). 8. Prepare plastic bags or banana leaves, or leaves to teak pembungkus. If plastic bags are used for packaging, give small holes in the bag by using a stick or fork.Put soy tempeh that has been given (RAPRIMA) into the wrapper, set its thickness according to tasteThe soybean fermentation process at room temperature for one or two days or until the entire surface is covered mushroom soy beans.
Jawaban 2:
Tentunya kita semua mengetahui makanan yang bernama tempe. Tempe yang sering kita konsumsi merupakan makanan murah dan bergizi. Banyak protein yang dikandung oleh tempe. Cara membuat tempe pun tidaklah sulit. Bahan yang akan diolah mudah diperoleh, yaitu kacang kedelai atau kacang-kacangan lain. Namun, bahan yang biasanya digunakan adalah kacang kedelai. Untuk membuat tempe, langkah yang pertama kali dilakukan yaitu mengambil kedelai yang sudah kita siapkan sebelumnya. Kita pilih terlebih dahulu kedelai yang bagus dan bersih. Kemudian, cuci bersih dengan air yang mengalir, dan kita rebus sampai terlihat masak. Rebusan tempe yang masih panas tersebut dibiarkan satu atau dua jam sehingga menjadi dingin. Kulit kedelai masih melekat walaupun ada juga yang sudah mengelupas. Sekarang usahakan supaya kulit kedelai mengelupas semua. Caranya, masukkan kedelai ke dalam bakul, letakkan di bawah pancuran air dan aduk secara terus-menerus. Lakukan hal itu sampai kedelai terkelupas semuanya. Sambil membersihkan kedelai, didihkan air didalam panci besar, kemudian masukan kedelai yang telah dibersihkan dan rebus hingga empuk, setelah terlihat empuk, angkat dan buang airnya. Cuci kedelai dibawah air mengalir untuk membuang sisa kulit arinya, kemudian tiriskan hingga kering. Atur kedelai didalam wadah dengan permukaan lebar, setelah dingin taburi permukaan kedelai dengan ragi tempe, aduk hingga merata, kemudian masukan kedelai yang telah diberi ragi kedalam plastik secara merata, tutup rapat ujungnya, kemudian lubangi plastik tersebut secukupnya untuk udara. Simpan bungkusan tempe tersebut ditempat yang terdapat sirkulasi udaranya selama kurang lebih 35 jam.
Contoh kalimat active passive pada present simple, past simple, present cont, dan past cont!:)
Jawaban 1:
Simple Present Tense
-Active : I call my best friend
-Passive : I am called by my best friend
Simple Past Tense
-Active : I called my friend yesterday
-Passive : I was called by my best friend yesterday
Present Continous Tense
-Active : I am calling my best friend
-Passive : I am being called by my best friend
Past Continous Tense
-Active : I was calling my best friend
-Passive : I was being called by my best friend
Contoh teks recount beserta general information,specific informationnya
Jawaban 1:
Orientation: i was driving along the coust road when the car suddenly lurched to one side
events: you kon what happened? at first i though a tire had gone flat but the i saw telegraph poles collapsing like match sticks. its terrible, is'nt it?
re-orientation: my god that was anightmare
-use past tense
-use action verb
-time conjuction
-speech function
What is meant by what makes you're beatiful
Jawaban 1:
apa yang membuat Anda cantik?
KALU MINTA jawabanya bisa gini
because hearts are sincere, face good in view, friendly, and helpful.
Jawaban 2:
Apa yang membuat kamu terlihat cantik
tolong bikin 3 soal tentang expressing embarrassment, anger, attitude, and annoyance dan jawabannya, tolong yaa
Jawaban 1:
Expressing anger: 1. i'm extremely anger 2. i don't want to know 3. i don't care
Tolong buatin percakapan bahasa inggris tentang rencana setelah lulus SMA
Jawaban 1:
Fira: Hallo del
Dela : Hy Fir. How are you?
Fira : Oh, i'm fine. And you?
Dela : I'm fine. By the way, if you graduate, is you plan worked?
Fira : Maybe, but accually I want school again. Mmm, and you?
Dela : Oh, I want help my mom work.
Fira : Succes ya Del.
Dela : Yes, thankyou
Fira : You're wellcome