
Buat Arti Dari "We Played Football Yesterday"

Buat Arti dari "We played football yesterday"

Jawaban 1:

Kami bermain bola kemarin. played digunakan karena 'bermain' telah lampau, jadi digunakan past tense dari play yaitu played

Pertanyaan Terkait

apa-apa saja contoh dialog bhs inggris 5 orang yang menyatakan rasa suka dan tidak suka akan sesuatu ?

Jawaban 1:

Msalnya kta mnwrkan ssuatu pda orng lain dan dy mnlak

Jawaban 2:

I like the design of your dress(menyatakan suka dengan pakaian org lain),
i like the taste of your sadwich ( mnytkn suka dengan rasa masakan org lain)

i dont like your style
i dont like your glasses

Tolong donk,kasih tahu aku tentang kosakata bahasa inggris dan sinonimnya juga...

Jawaban 1:

Clean <> dirty
beautiful <> ugly
good <> bad
clever <> stupid

Jawaban 2:

aboutapproximatelyintendmeanabstractsummaryintensifyheightenaccomplishachieveinterplayinteractionaccumulatebuild upinventorystockadministermanageinvoicebilladmitconfessivolveentailalmostnearlyisolatedloneyanimatedlivelyJ annoyirritate, botherjealousenviousanswerreplyjoydelightanywaybesidesK apparentobviousknowinglydeliberatelyappearseemL applicablerelevantlackingmissingappreciableconsiderablelastfinalardourpassionleadingmainariseoccurlearnmemorizearomaticfragrantlegitimatevalid, legaarrivereachlethaldeadlyartfulcraftyliveablehabitableassociationorganizationlividfuriousassureguaranteeloopycrazyattractiveappealinglousyawfulawayabsentlucidclearawfulterribleintellectualmentalB M backbonespinemackintoshwaterproof coatbacksidebehind, bottommadnessinsanitybad (not good)poor, naughtymagicanconjurorballotpollmagistrateJustice of the Peacebear on sth.affectmagnifyexaggeratebeatdefeatmaintainpreservebecomingfittingmanmadeartificalbeginstartmannequinmodelbehaveactmaterialfabricbelievableplausiblemattersthingsbellystomachmaybeperhaps, possiblybendyflexiblein the meantimemeanwhilebeneficiantgenerousmeasuredegreebeneficialfavourablemeetingasse

Bagaimana cara penggunaan kata will dan going to dalam kalimat di bawah ini : 1.Akankah kamu menjemput saya besok
2.Saya tidikak akan menemui kamu lagi
3.Mereka akan mencuci pakaian besok pagi

nb: translate in english.

Jawaban 1:

1.will=will you pick me tomorrow?
going to=are you going to pick me tomorrow?
2.will=i wont meet you again
going to=i'm not going to meet you again
3.will=they will wash the clothes tomorrow morning
going to=they are going to wash the clothes tomorrow morning

Jawaban 2:

Will you pick me up tomorrow. i never going to see you again they will go to wash clothes tomorrow

you don't want your mother to pick you up .you want to go home by bus . what would you say? start with dear mum....

Jawaban 1:

Bisa jga gini
dear  mum,today I will go home by bus with my friends, so no need to pick up my mother today, do not worry yes ma'am!!!, we will meet again at home, I love you, mom ...

Jawaban 2:

Dear Mom, I'll go home by bus with my friends today, so you don't have to pick me up. I'll see you at home, mom. Love you.

Contoh warning di tempat wisata

Jawaban 1:


Jawaban 2:

1. don't feed the animals
2. no littering dan lain lain..

Contoh dialog 5 orang tentang lingkungan

Jawaban 1:

One day after school looks a boy named Joey was littering

RISKA : What are you doing Joey ???
JOEY : just take out the trash anyway ..
JESSIE : Then why did you throw hide ??
 ALEX : You littering ???
 MELLY : Do not do it JOEY ... it can make our city a flood ..
JESSIE : true is said MELLY
JOEY : I was wrong .. and I do not repeat it again .. I promise ..

after the incident JOEY never throw carelessly again ....

Bagaimana cara mendeskripsikan boneka kesayangan dengan bahasa inggris?

Jawaban 1:

This is my doll
i love my doll
she is a beautiful doll
she  always accompanied me everywhere
I always carry it with me wherever I go

Mohon Bantuannya ya ^_^ -Make These Following sentences into a good pass sentences!
1.I....... (Do Not) see a play yesterday.
2.I....... (Live) in brazil for two years.
3.He.... (Do Not) like tomatoes before
4......(Do) you play a musical instrument when you were a kid?
5.I.... (study) french when i was a child
6.They...(do) their homework last night
7.The Gardener.....(cut) the trees last month
8.The Birds..... (fly) in the sky this morning.
9.The Farmer....(grow) rice last year
10.The Joiner.....(make) tables and chairs yesterday.

Yang bener ya jawabnya :) adekku skrg lagi ada pr.

Jawaban 1:

1. i do not see a play yesterday ( itu tidak diubah apa-apanya karna jika subjeknya ( i'm ) berarti kata kerjanya tetap )

2.  tetap
3.He does not  like tomatoes before (yang diubah do mnjdi does karna subjeknya he atau orang ketiga )

4. tetap ( karna subjeknya you maka menggunakan do )
5. tetap sama sprti yg diatas
6. they do their homework last night
8. tetap
9. tetap
10. tetap

mengapa saya mengatakan tetap karena  jika subjeknya
1. HE, SHE , IT , TONO = VI (kata kerja pertama ditamabah s/es) menggunakan does
2. THEY, WE, I , YOU = V1 ( tidak ditambah s/es) menggunakan do 

smg membantu :)

Tolong buatin dong teks drama dalam bahasa inggris tentang berbelanja :)

Jawaban 1:

Drama atau percakapan ?

1. A person who sets electric system is a ............. 2. A person who makes wooden furniture is a .................. 3. A person whose job is killing animal for food or selling meat is a ................ 4. A person whose job is making breads or cakes is a .................. 5. A person who has a shop that sells flowers is ................

Jawaban 1:

1. Engineer
2. Carpenter
3. Butcher / Hunter
4. Bakery Chef
5. Florist

Jawaban 2:

1. Electrician
2. Carpenter
3. Butcher
4. Baker
5. Florist

GOOD LUCK n Jadiin terbaik please