
Bagaimana Cara Membedakan Past Tense Dengan Present Perfect?Berikan Contohnya!

Bagaimana cara membedakan past tense dengan present perfect?
berikan contohnya!

Jawaban 1:

Kalau present perfect itu dilihat dari kejadian yang dilakukan di waktu sebelumnya tapi kejadian itu masih tetap terjadi
seperti : i have closed the door (the result:the door is still close )
kalau past tense itu kejadian yang memang sudah berlalu,tapi kejadian itu sudah tidak berpengaruh dengan waktu sekarang
seperti : a week ago,a year ago,etc

Pertanyaan Terkait

tolong bikinin percakapan bahasa inggris menggunakan there is dan there are  dan mengundang seseorang buat ikut belajar bersama lengkap dengan greeting sama leave takingnya 

Jawaban 1:

A. Hi there is an exam tomorrow, have you prepared it? 
B. Yeah I heard about it. It seems that there are 25 questions are prepared by our teacher.
A. Oh my god, that's a lot
B. Do you want to prepare it with me tonight? we could study together in cafetaria at 07.00
A. Great! so talk to you later then! 
B. See you

Saya mau bertanya tentang materi adjective clause. bagaiman cara membedakan apakah soal ini diberi relative prounoun atau tidak.
terima kasih.

Jawaban 1:

Adjective clause : adalah kumpulan frase untuk memberikan tambahan informasi suatu benda 

Ikan, yang berwarna merah, pasti rasanya enak
Fish, which has red color, must have a delicious taste. 

Membedakan relative pronoun(who, whose, whom, which, that) atau tidak adalah dengan melihat apakah pronoun tersebut setelah kata benda yang ingin dijelaskan. 

Apabila bukan setelah kata benda maka dia buka relative pronoun
who is this guy <- bukan 
The man, who just won the prize, wore a red shirt 

Contoh hortatory exposition tentang sosial

Jawaban 1:

Internet and Social Construction

Internet today is a part of daily life. It is not only a source of entertainment but also news and information. Internet is also a valuable tool for science, education and industry. What makes Internet even more interesting is that action is more easier than books, also cheaper. but the question is do children nowadays still read a book? do they still need another people?. Internet is useful but decrease the social itself. it depend on us wheter can balance the using of internet in daily life.

Create dialogs based on the situations below situations 1 : you are at farewell party at your school. a friend has just finished singing a song well. you offer compliment to her. and she rejects the compliment. what do you and your friend say?

Jawaban 1:

me  : your song was so amazing
him : thank you again
me  : we'll split up ....
him : yes ... but I hope we'll meet again someday
me  : I too .....
him : I'll see you again, you have to promise we will meet again
me  : yea ... I promise you, and someday we will meet again

aku : lagumu tadi sangat menakjubkan
dia  : terima kasih kembali
aku : kita akan berpisah....
dia  : ya...tapi aku harap kita akan bertemu lagi suatu saat nanti
aku : aku juga.....
dia  : sampai jumpa lagi,kau harus berjanji kita akan bertemu lagi
aku : ya...aku berjanji,dan suatu saat nanti kita bakal ketemu lagi

Expression of planning, regret + response
help me plz

Jawaban 1:

1. To express our planning we can use:                
   - I've a great idea.....
   - I think......
   - Its better if....

2. To express our regret we can say:
   - I regret...
   - I regret doing...
   - I wish...
   - If I had (I hadn't).....
   - I would (wouldn't) have....
   - I regret being rude and underestimating you.
   - I wish I hadn't made that mistake.
   - If I had studied, I wouldn't have failed on my exam.

semoga bisa membantu guys ^_^,,,

Jawaban 2:

Maksud kamu contohnya ya

Cara cepat menjawab soal bahasa inggris wlaupun tidak tau artinya?

Jawaban 1:

Dengan melihat dan memahami isi soal yang pastinya adaa makna tersirat..
dan memeahami kosa kata...

Bagaimana cara belajar bahasa inggris?

Jawaban 1:

Cara belajar bahasa inggris itu, pertama anda harus mengetahui banyak kosakata dalam bahasa inggris beserta artinya. kemudian yang kedua anda harus paham betul (bukan hanya menghafal) rumus dari penyusunan rumus kalimat.

Jawaban 2:

Bahasa inggris itu, akan lancar apabila sering diucapkan. dan juga harus tahu apa apa saja grammar nya...

1 temen temen bagusnya mau buat Report text tentang apa yaaa  bagusnya ?

Jawaban 1:

Teks wawancara tentang kehidupan masa lalu

Jawaban 2:

Tesk mengenai kesehatan di indonesia

Contoh dari direct dan indirect?

Jawaban 1:

Direct speech
Berupa statement : “I’m not hungry now.”
(Saya tidak lapar sekarang)
Imperative : “Do not touch my computer!”
(Jangan sentuh komputerku!)
Yes-no question : “Did you eat my cake?”
(Apakah kamu makan kueku?)
Information request : “Who is the winner?” (Siapa pemenangnya?)

Indirect speech
Statement : He said that he was not hungry at that time.
Imperative : She told me not to touch her computer.
Yes-no question : She wanted to know if I’d ate her cake.
Information request : He asked me who the winner was.

Jawaban 2:

Direct Speech : Berbentuk kalimat langsung
"I did not do that thing"
Indirect : Berbentuk pernyataan
She said that she didn't do that thing

Cerita yang di dalam nya mengandung comparative degree

Jawaban 1:

A. She is smarter than him. b. She is more intelligent than him. c. Your music is nicer than my music. d. Your music is more pleasant than my music. e. Sam helps less often than Susan does. f. He laughs more than you do. g. More boys wanted to play than girls. h. Andrew is as annoying as he is useless.

Jawaban 2:

The cow is bigger than goat. (sapi itu lebih besar dari kmbing)