Bagaimana bentuk past perfect dari I need to you to show me, what the love is.
Jawaban 1:
I had needed you to show me, what the love is
Pertanyaan Terkait
Jawaban 1:
I buy the stamp on the market
Jawaban 2:
I buy the stamp on the market
itu jawabannya yah hhehe ;D
Sebutkan Struktur Teks Eksplanasi
Jawaban 1:
Struktur teks eksplanasi adalah pernyataan umum, deretan penjelas, dan penutup. Pernyataan umum pada teks eksplanasi merupakan bagian pembuka. Deretan penjelas merupakan isi dari teks tersebut. Sedangkan penutup berisi kesimpulan dari isi teks.PembahasanTeks eksplanasi adalah teks eksplanasi yang menerangkan suatu proses atau fenomena. Teks eksplanasi berfungsi untuk memberikan penjelasan kepada pembaca tentang proses terjadinya sesuatu yang disusun menurut prinsip sebab-akibat.Struktur teks eksplanasi yaitu
- Pernyataan umum berisi informasi singkat tentang apa yang akan dibicarakan atau diinformasikan.
- Deretan penjelas berisi urutan uraian atau penjelasan tentang proses dari peristiwa yang terjadi dan dijelaskan secara bertahap atau berurutan.
- Penutup adalah kesimpulan yang berisi interpretasi atau pendapat singkat penulis tentang topik yang dijelaskan.
Jawaban 2:
Jawaban:A. Identifikasi fenomenaB. Rangkaian peristiwaC. UlasanPenjelasan:A. Identifikasi fenomena: pernyataan umum tentang topik yang akan dijelaskan proses kejadian,proses terjadinya dan proses terbentuknyaB. Rangkaian fenomena: urutan alur atau sebab akibat yang mengulas penjelasan proses keberadaan dan proses terjadinya secara detailC. Ulasan: konsekuensi atas kejadian yang dipaparkan sebelumnya
Tolong bikinin drama pendek dong pake bahasa inggris ya tolong berikan yang terbaik
Jawaban 1:
In a village there is an institution Kembang Wangi bhs course. English, followed by several children from the village who have high ideals. However, there is a child who can not follow that course because her parents could not afford. want to know story ........
Teacher : Good morning kids .....
Students : Good morning .....
Teacher : Let's begin our lesson yesterday about the alphabet, "tense, etc conjungtion
Students : yes mom ....
Teacher : ok class children's continue again tomorrow. see you next time
Students : see you too mom
Finally, the students - students hurried home, but they stopped the middle road. Because see rukinah'm sad.
people 1 : oh Rukinah you doing here alone?
Rukinah : I'm jealous of you guys who can take English language courses that
people 2 : why are you jealous? but if you want you can join
Rukinah : I will not be able to join the course. Because ....(Reveal a sad face)
people 2 : because of what ????? Cost ?????
Rukinah : yes...... (Sad)
people 2 : rukinah .... rukinah .... you do not need to be sad, because the cost is very cheap ..
Rukinah : Really?
Students : yes, of course ........
people1 :now you go home ask your parents permission same (Rukinah home)
Rukinah : father ...mother ...(Ran - ran for joy)
Mother : there is what my son really cried - cried, no flood, volcano eruption, fire,
Father : where is happen ???????
Rukinah : nothing
father : why do you keep screaming - screaming .?
Rukiah : rukinah cried - cried because it chursus rokinah want to come? Could the father's
mother and father: what ??? khursus?
Mother : rokinah, do you not think of where we pay khursus it?
Rukinah : cost is not expensive mother . Only five hundred thousand rupiah.
father : what ????? fifty thousand dollars?
You think you can be that much more money from where?
Rukinah : but rokinah want clever .....
Mother : (sorry to see rukinah) so be it, if you want it .......
But to pay khursus you, you just take this cassava rice nd yes ....
Rukiah : ya allah bu ... can cook?
Father : keep what you want to my child?
Rukiah : father money if you do not bring money which could be
Mother : father and mother had no money, only that the father and the mother of my
children. if you want to take the child. if not ........
Rukiah : yes mother rokinah want.
Rukinah feel so happy . Because of cassava and rice he can jion in english development course and next month they are going to abroad with students . Today they have already to go abroad .
Student : come on , where is your trunk
Rukiah : woiiii . wait for us
Student :why do you come late ????
Rukiah : sorry frieds , my parents cry when we leave them
People 1 :are you realy ..
People 2 : let’s go .
Student : australia .. we are coming !!!
They have a nice journey and they will be back in six days.
Today they have just arrived by bus and they go back to their house whitout any talk because they miss their parents .
Student : My parents .. we are coming !!!!!
Rukiah : hello ! ded mo .......
Father : dad , ded , dad , ded .... father not ded
He , where is your parcel for you parents
Rukiah : ow , don’t worry ded a have something special for you .
Mother : what is that ???
Rukiah : wait a minute !( take a parcel )
Here you are
Father :haaaaa????? What is this ???
Rukiah : this is small chairs. Ded, mom.
I got it because last time i chould speak english well with foreigner.
Mother : Are you sure??
Rukiah : Absolutely...foreigner?
Mother : but, what for this small chair????
Rukiah : yes..for decoration mom, not for sit dedy and mom...
Father : oh.....
Rukiah : yes, mom....
Tomorrow the students and romlah come the english developmentcourse to get sertificate because they have finished final examination.
Finally, Romlah can speak English well and their dream to meet foreigner come true.
Jawaban 2:
Yang ini boleh gak?
Haruna: Yoh, What happen?
Yoh: Maybe I catch cold. Then, what do you want to talk?
Haruna: Heh? Aren’t you the want to talk, right?
(Suddenly, the door is closed)
Haruna: What is that sound? This is a trap? Can’t Open! Mobile phone!
Yoh: There is no signal, we can’t send anything.
Haruna: So we can’t go outside until someone coming?
Yoh: Looks like that. Now, we both… will die naturally, right?
Haruna: Anyone! Is there anyone?
Yoh: Very cold.
Haruna: Cold? Cold? Cold? Cold? Yoh use this. I will fine.
(Haruna giving her jacket to Yoh)
Haruna: Must be there something to wear. Ah! Volley ball net! This can’t used, heh? Mattress! This is cold when touched. I found a blanket! A blanket! Yoh, use this.
Yoh: What about you?
Haruna: I will be okay. I’m hot blooded. In the situation like this, must be there a door. Something we can use to escape. Wait! I hear a sound of wind! Must be there ventilation around here.
Yoh: Ventilation? Do you prefer…that?
Haruna: Too small! I found a smoke alarm. If we can make a fire, someone will come.
Yoh: But…we don’t have fire match or something like that.
(Haruna scrape flag pole with chair)
Yoh: I’m 100% agree…that not will burn.
Haruna: Impossible.
(1 hour later)
Haruna: Very cold…
Yoh: Hey, come… The wind is cold, why didn’t you come in too?
Haruna: Heh? I’m fine… I’m hot blooded.
Yoh: I prefer, I feel cold.
(Haruna slowly walking towards Yoh)
(Pulled Haruna)
(Yoh in the blanket with Haruna)
Haruna: (Ah, Yoh is smell so good. Maybe this is Yoh surprise plan? Make us alone, so I can smell his amazing aroma and make me do something fool? Oh no, this aroma will make me falling in love! Can’t! I can’t like his aroma or falling in love to him!)
Yoh: I didn’t planning it.
Haruna: You can read my mind?
Yoh: Yes.
Haruna: About aroma too?
Yoh: What aroma?
Haruna: Oh no, I will die. I will die for different reason. This is that scene. “Our body will become cold and cold, let’s undone our cloths and warm another. Isn’t it like that?
Yoh: That would happen if our cloth is wet, right?
Haruna: Do you read my mind again?
Yoh: No, you clearly say it loud.
Haruna: Very shamed!
Yoh: That not different from usual.
Haruna: Very shamed!
(In the class…)
Mami-chan: It very cold, cold, cold, cold~ very cold (stare at Haruna bag that left in the class)Heh?
(In the sports storehouse…)
Haruna: I will protect Yoh!
(Haruna pushing the door)
Yoh: Stop! You will hurt yourself!
Haruna: I won’t. If I can’t open this door, that will become worse for you! Because, for me, you are important coach for me!
(Haruna still trying to open the door)
Yoh: I will help you too.
Haruna: What?
Yoh: Because… I’m not want you hurt.
Haruna: Heh?
Yoh: Let’s do it together.
Haruna: Y-yes.
Complete the following sentences with the words in the previous exercise. some words bean be used more than once. 1. the children were .... to see the circus performance
2. an earth quake is one of the .... disaster
Jawaban 1:
Tolong tulis dulu y... apa teks sebelumnya soalnya takut jawabannya gak sesuai gitu...
Jawaban 2:
Complete the following sentences with the words in the previous exercise. some words bean be used more than once.
1. the children were (need more than once) to see the circus performance
2. an earth quake is one of the (more than once) disaster
kyk gitu atau gimana sih? kata di latihan sebelumnya gak ada sih,jadi bingung
Jawaban 1:
Tradisional ;
- pisau
- blender
- meja
- serbet
Jawaban 2:
Tradisional :
- knife : pisau
- sugar : Gula
- Spoon : Sendok
- Banana : Pisang
- Honey : Madu
Supermarket :
- Bread : Roti
- Snack : jajan
- Toys : Mainan
- Comic : Komik
- Cold drink : Minuman dingin
Apa arti explode dan apa maksudnya?
Jawaban 1:
Explode merupakan string function yang digunakan untuk memisahkan string
Jawaban 2:
Dalam bahasa komputer Explode merupakan string function yang digunakan untuk memisahkan string.
biasanya tu ada explode dan implode
Caution : avoid from eye cantact. keep away from chidren. artinya adalah . . .
Jawaban 1:
hati-hati: hindarkan dari kontak mata. menjauhkan diri dari anak-anak
Jawaban 2:
Perhatian :jauhkan dr kontak mata. jauhkan dr jangkauan anak-anak
Trending Topic Hari ini di twitter, Gimana cara menulis di bahasa inggris Justin Bieber Kecewa?
Jawaban 1:
Jawaban 2:
Today, Justin is sad
Tolong ajariku dong tentang past tense dan tolong artiin sesuai dengan verb 1 2 3 plizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz π
Jawaban 1:
Simple past tense digunakan untuk menyatakan aktivitas/peristiwa yang terjadi di waktu tertentu di masa lampau ; pattern yang verbal : (+) Subject+ Verb2 +Object (-) Subject+did+not+Verb1+Object (?) Did+Subject+Verb1+Object+? pattern yang nominal : (+) Subject+To be(was,were)+Complent (adjective,noun,adverb) (-) Subject+To be + not + Complement (?) To be + Subject + Complement + ? NB : Tobe = am,is ,are Contoh simple past tense verbal : (+) Father ate rice 2 hours ago (-) Father did not eat rice 2 hours ago (?) Did father eat rice 2 hours ago ? NB : eat = Verb1 ate = Verb2 eaten = Verb 3 Contoh Simple past tense nominal : (+) Azis was handsome (-) Azis was not handsome (?) Was Azis handsome ?
Jawaban 2:
Past tense adalah kalimat yang menyatakan kegiatan yang sudah terjadi. adapun bentuk past tense ialah:
a. simple past tense = S + Verb2
b. past perfect tense = S + had + Verb3
c. past continous tense = S + was/were + Verb1 + ing
Apa benda benda yg berada di ruang makan dalam bahasa inggris
Jawaban 1:
Apa benda-benda yang berada di ruang makan dalam bahasa Inggris?JawabanPendahuluanMari kita simak di bawah ini benda-benda apa saja yang berada di ruang makan (dining room). Pembahasan
- Bowl = mangkuk ;
- Buffet = hidangan prasmanan ;
- Bench = bangku ;
- Chair = kursi ;
- Coffee pot = teko kopi;
- Cup = cangkir ;
- Dish = sajian hidangan di piring;
- Food or meal = makanan ;
- Fork = garpu ;
- Glass= gelas ;
- Ice bucket = tempat es batu;
- Knife = pisau ;
- Napkin = serbet;
- Pepper shaker = penabur merica;
- Plate = piring ;
- Platter= piring besar;
- Pot = poci ;
- Salad bowl = mangkuk salad;
- Saucer = piring cawan ;
- Serving bowl = mangkuk saji;
- Serving dish = piring saji;
- Spoon = sendok;
- Stemware = gelas-gelas bertangkai;
- Sugar bowl = tempat gula ;
- Table = meja;
- Tablecloth = taplak meja;
- Tea pot = teko teh;
- Tray = baki/nampan;
Kata Kunci : bowl, mangkuk , buffet, prasmanan , bench, bangku , chair, kursi, coffee, teko kopi, cup, cangkir , dish, sajian, hidangan , food, meal, makanan , fork, garpu , glass, gelas , ice bucket, tempat es batu , knife, pisau , napkin, serbet , pepper, shaker, penabur merica , plate , platter, piring besar , pot, poci , salad bowl, mangkuk salad, saucer, piring cawan , serving bowl, mangkuk saji , serving dish, piring saji , spoon, sendok , stemware, gelas-gelas, bertangkai , sugar bowl, tempat gula , table, meja , tablecloth, taplak meja , tea pot, teko teh , tray, baki/nampan