
Apa Terjemahan Ini Dalam Bentuk Simple Past Tense ? Liburan Kemarin Adalah Liburan Yang Sangat Membosankan.

Apa terjemahan ini dalam bentuk simple past tense ? Liburan kemarin adalah liburan yang sangat membosankan. Setiap
hariku di sibukan dengan pekerjaan rumah. Tetapi liburan kemarin juga
bermanfaat untuk ku karena aku dapat tidur lebih lama.

aku selalu tidur malam dan bangun lebih siang. Setelah itu
aku mandi dan nonton tv. Sesekali aku membantu ibuku untuk bersih bersih rumah.
Aku mengulangi hal yang sama di hari selanjutnya.

Saat tahun baru aku dan keluargaku merayakannya dengan
membakar jagung dan menyalakan mercon. Kita memulai itu saat pukul 23.00 dan
saat pergantian tahun kita berdoa bersama dan meihat pertunjukan mercon  dan kembang api.

Itulah liburan tengah semester dan tahun baruku yang

Jawaban 1:

Holiday vacation yesterday was very boring. Each of my day was filled with homework. But yesterday also beneficial vacation for me because I can sleep longer. I always sleep and wake up during the night. After that I take a shower and watch tv. Every now and then I helped my mom clean the house to was clean. I repeated the same thing on the next day. When the new year my family and I celebrated by burning a corn and turned firecrackers. We start at 23:00 and were current at the turn of the year we prayed together and meihat firecrackers and fireworks show. That's half term and my new year is boring.

Jawaban 2:

Holiday vacation yesterday was very boring. each keep busy with my day job at home. But yesterday holidays useful for me because I can sleep longer. 
I always sleep and wake up during the night. after that I take a shower and watch tv. Every now and then I helped my mom clean the house to clean. I repeated the same thing on the next day. 
New Year's Eve to celebrate with me and my family burn corn and lit firecrackers. The moment we start at 23:00 and turn of the year when we pray together and meihat firecrackers and fireworks show. 
That's half term and my new year boring.

Pertanyaan Terkait

Make good dialogues expressing feeling and attitude based on the following situations?? Hendra has a conversation with his mother in the evening. He tells her that he saw two black long plastic bags. He tought they were rubbish bags. When he came nearer, they were actually the corpse bags.

Jawaban 1:

Mother: Good evening, Hendra
Hendra: Good evening, mom
Mother: Where have you been?
Hendra: I went to Ani's room to study together
Mother: Nice! Good boy..
Hendra: Umm...Mom, i have something to tell you
Mother: What is it?
Hendra: When on my way home, i saw a long and black plastic bag. I thought it's a rubbish bag. But when i came nearer the plastic bag, i smell a disgusting smell. So i open the plastic bag, and there's a corpse inside it! I was shocked, mom
Mother: Did you report it to the police?
Hendra: I have
Mother: Good boy, now  let's have dinner

Jawaban 2:

Mom: Welcome home darling! how was school?
hendra: well, if i have to be honest... not that good...
mom: what happen hendra? come, take a seat and lets talk about this.
hendra: okay mom...
mom: so, tell me exactly what happen
hendra: when i was riding home with my motorcycle, i saw 2 black long plastic bags. i actually thought they were rubbish bag but when i came near it, they were actually bags full of corpse. i was so shocked earlier.
mom: my my... did u call the police?
hendra: yes i did mom, the policeman said that i did the right thing to call the police
mom: now thats my boy! 

Apa2 saja adverb, sama action verb? tolong gan WONDERFUL ADVENTURES IN MY LIFE

I remembered the time when I was in elementary
school. That time was happy time to me. It was because in elementary school, I
did many activities which ware very enjoying. For the example, in holiday, I
and my family went to central java. There, I could meet my other families like
grandmothers, grand fathers, cousins, and many others.

Besides I could meet my other families, I also could
visit traditional  house there for the
example I visited keratin Yogyakarta. In that keratin I saw many instruments
from central java like flute, tambourine,drum,gung,and other musuc instruments.
I also saw many pictures of the leader from the first until the new one. From
those pictures gave knowledge for me about who people that ever led keratin
Yogyakarta .

Then, when I visited keratin Yogyakarta , I also saw
many tourists who visited that place. One of them was from England and she
introduced herself to me. Her name was angela. She was beautiful by having
blond hair , and she had blue eyes. We gave our phone number each other. I got
a new friend.

After visiting that keratin, I and my family backed
to my grandma’s  house. Then, I and my
family at evening continued to visit bringharjo market. Bringharjo market was a
traditional market which was every famous in central java. The first impression
when I looked  market. It was so
beautiful, even though it was very crowded. 

Jawaban 1:

Klo Ъќ slah ne ♧γ̲̣̣̥ÿ̲̣̣̣̥γ̥É‘̤̥̈̊α̣̣̥α̊α̊♧. adverb : happy,enjoying,beautiful action verb : remembered. activities. went. meet. visit. saw. gave. backed. continued. looked

Tolong bikinkan 5 soal tentang present continous

Jawaban 1:

1. Question Surprisingly, he … very patient and helpful to everyone.
 2. Question The sun … brightly today.
 3. Question Is  she … flower-arranging at the flower show now?
 4. Question We are not … a trip to Thailand during rainy season.
 5. Question Who … next to your boss?

Jawaban 2:

The ships are sailing (+)
He is smiling (+)
The ships are not sailing (-)
He is not smiling (-)
are the ships sailing ? (?)
Is he smiling ? (?)

A financial ... evaluates and interprets public company financial statements.

A. analysis             C. analyze
B. analyses           D. analyst

Jawaban 1:

A financial analyses evaluatesand interprets public company financial statements.

Buat kalimat past unreal tentang if clause

Jawaban 1:

If I had slept early, I would have arrived on time at school

Jawaban 2:

Unreal situation isn't based on fact. Bisa pake type 2 conditional

If I were you, I would marry her.

Contoh narrative text?

Jawaban 1:

Narrative text itu adalah cerita fiksi. Contoh dari narrative text itu seperti legend(ex: danau toba),fable(ex: the lion and the deer),dan lainnya (ex: cinderella, the goldilocks,etc) .maaf kalo kurang jelas/salah. Thanks

Diubah dalam kalimat pasif Bhs inggris ?? - a terrible tornado damaged the village severely
- the historians observed the carelly
- The husband abused his wife brutally

Jawaban 1:

- the village damaged by a terrible tornado severely
- the carelly observed by the historians
- his wife abused by the husband brutally 

Jawaban 2:

1) the village was severely damaged by a terrible tornado 2) the carelly was observed by the historians 3) his wife was brutally abused by the husband

  Write the normal sentences of the following headline!

1. Plane shot down over


Election won by surprise candidate.

3. Pop star mobbed by fans at

4. Local residents afraid of

5 Police investigating suspect.

6. Kris Dayanti successful in

7. Miss world visiting orphanage.

8. President to inspect damaged

Jawaban 1:

1. Plane shot down over Mediteranian.
    subject: Plane 
    verb: shot down
    complement: over Mediteranian

2. Election won by surprise candidate.
    subject: Election
    verb: won
    complement: by surprise candidate

3. Pop star mobbed by fans at airport.
    subject: Pop star
    verb: mobbed
    complement: by fans
    modified: at airport

4. Local residents afraid of eruption.
    subject: Local residents
    verb: afraid
    complement: of eruption

5. Police investigating suspect.
    subject: Police
    verb: investigating
    complement: suspect

6. Kris Dayanti successful in concert.
    subject: Kris Dayanti
    verb: successful
    complement: in concert

7. Miss World visiting orphanage.
    subject: Miss World
    verb: visiting
    complement: orphanage

8. President to inspect damaged roads.
    subject: President
    verb: to inspect
    complement: damaged roads

semoga bermanfaat ;)


Contoh soal cause and effect dan jawabanya

Jawaban 1:

I got dark because the sun went down

Jawaban 2:

Maksud nya terjemahannya ???

Example dialog giving instructions ?

Jawaban 1:

John: Linda, do you know how to get to Samson's and Co.? I've never been there before.
Linda: Are you driving or taking the subway?

John: The subway.
Linda: Take the blue line from 14th avenue and change to the grey line at Andrew Square. Get off at 83rd street.

John: Just a moment, let me take this down!
Linda: Take the blue line from 14th avenue and change to the grey line at Andrew Square. Get off at 83rd street. Got it?

John: Yes, thanks. Now, once I get to Andrew Square, how do I proceed?
Linda: Once you are on 83rd street, Go straight on, past the bank. Take the second left and continue straight on. It's opposite Jack's Bar.

John: Can you repeat that?
Linda: Once you are on 83rd street, Go straight on, past the bank. Take the second left and continue straight on. It's opposite Jack's Bar.

John: Thanks Linda. How long does it take to get there?
Linda: It takes about a half-hour. When is your meeting?

John: It's at ten. I'll leave at nine-thirty.
Linda: That's a busy time. You should leave at nine.

John: OK. Thanks Linda.
Linda: Not at all.