
Apa Perbedaan Antara Simple Past Tense Dengan Present Perfect Tense ?

Apa perbedaan antara simple past tense dengan present perfect tense ?

Jawaban 1:

Simple past tense dipakai saat keterangan waktunya sudah selesai, sedangkan present perfect dipakai saat keterangan waktunya belum selesai/masih berlanjut.
I bought 3 books last week. (simple past-last week sudah berlalu)
I have bought 3 books this week. (present perfect-this week belum berlalu, masih berlangsung)

present perfect menggunakan 'for' dan 'since' saat kegiatannya masih berlanjut.

I have lived in London for 3 years. (present perfect-masih berlangsung, sekarang pun masih di London)
I have lived in London since 1990. (sampai sekarang masih tinggal di London)

Jawaban 2:

Simple pastanse untuk menyatakan kejadian yang sudah lalu
present perfect untuk menyatakan kejadian yang direncanakan

Pertanyaan Terkait

Contoh dialog bahasa inggris tentang expressing threatening/threat ?

Jawaban 1:

A : Hey, when do you want to pay your debt?
B : I will do my best to pay it next week.
A : It's better for you to keep your words, otherwise Don Corleone will kill you 
B : DOn't worry sir, I will keep my words

Contoh percakapan expression care

Jawaban 1:

Situation : Your friend is sad.

Ana : Are you okay? You look so sad.
Nia : No, I'm not okay. I feel so sad because I had a fight with my brother yesterday.
Ana : Why?
Nia : He took my favorite novel without asking my permission and he ripped it! How can I not sad? He even not sorry at all and when I yelled at him, he yelled me back with his ridiculous reason that why should I got sad over a novel!
Ana : You must be really hurt...
Nia : Of couse I do.
Ana : What should I do to cheer you up?
Nia : Thanks for your attention but no, sorry.
Ana : Really? I'm sorry I can't help you much.
Nia: Yeah, thanks.

bold: expressions
italic: responses

Jawaban 2:

How poor you are
what a pity
i am sorry to hear that

buat kalimat pujian + responnya tentang memuji keindahan alam, memuji mother, father, granpa/ma, teacher, brother and sister, friend, best friend pet, your self

Jawaban 1:

1. Keindahan alam :
A: Wow! such a beautiful park.
B: Yea! i think so.

2. Teacher :
A: Thanks Miss jasmine! i understand it well than before.
B: Your welcome.

Semoga membantu :D

Jawaban 2:

A : Look at that beautiful lake !
B : Amazing
A : mom, you look pretty everytime !
B : thank you dear
A : Dad, you cook this ?
B : Yup.
A : waw, you can be a great chef
A: Grandpa, do you made this toys ?
B : yes, my dear
A : its look amazing !
A : Hey, you made this story ?
B: yup
A : Its so funny ! i love it
A : Sir, I never met a great teacher like you
B : thank you
friend :
A : Hey, you look pretty when you wear that dress
B : really ? thank you !
Best friend per
A : your cat is so cute.
B: Hahaha, yes, i know that
Yourself :
A : Hey, i look beautifull with this t-shirt !

Error Analysis about Adjective Clauses. 1. It is important to be polite to people who lives in the same building.
2. She lives in a hotel is restricted to senior citizens.
3. My sister has two childrens, who their names are Ali and Talal.
4. He comes from venezuela that is a Spanish-speaking country
5. There are ten universities in thailand, seven of them locate in Bangkok is the capital city.
6. I would like to write about several problems which I have faced them since I come to United State.
7. There is a small wooden screen separates the bed from the rest of the room.
8. At the airport, I was waiting for some relatives which I had never met them before.
9. It is almost impossible to find two person who their opinions are the same.
10. On the wall, there is a colorful poster which it consist of a group of young people who dancing.

Jawaban 1:

1. It is important to be polite to people who LIVE in the same building.
2. She lives in a hotel WHICH is restricted to senior citizens.
3. My sister has two children WHOSE names are Ali and Talal.
4. He comes from venezuela WHICH is a Spanish-speaking country
5. There are ten universities in thailand, seven of them locate in Bangkok WHICH is the capital city.
6. I would like to write about several problems which I have faced __ since I come to United STATES.
7. There is a small wooden screen WHICH separates the bed from the rest of the room.
8. At the airport, I was waiting for some relatives which I had never met __ before.
9. It is almost impossible to find two persons WHOSE opinions are the same.
10. On the wall, there is a colorful poster WHICH consist of a group of young people who IS dancing.

Complete the word with indefinite pronoun .  1. he said that there was not ......... on the bus
2. the man is happy and rich. He has ........... in his hand
3. last night there was ........... breaking into our house
4. nadya wanted to ask .......... the way to Cimahi
5. Raffi can't find his bag ........... anywhere

Jawaban 1:

1. people

What do you think of English ..???

Jawaban 1:

English is fun, and this is very important language too, because wherever we are, we can speak with foreign people in this language 

Jawaban 2:

That's very interesting

buatlah 10 kalimat  positif negatif&introduktif  dari simple present , present continuous , present prefect  simplepast , past continuous, pastperfect  futuretense

Jawaban 1:

+you ilke study english
-you dont like study english
?Do you like study english?

Rini usually read comic on the evening
rini doesn't usually read comic on the evening
does rini usually read comic on the evening?

we like playing in weekends
we dont like playing in the weekends
do we like playing in the weekends?

doni usually dinner every night
doni doesn;t usually dinner every night
do doni usually dinner everynight?

they go to park to distrub plant
they dont go to park to distrub plant
do they go to park to distrub plant?

he goes to solo every sunday
he doesn't goes to solo every sunday
does he goes to solo every sunday?

Contoh live report b.ing????

Jawaban 1:

Making A good live report how to write the news and how to present hit                                                                                                                                                            What Makes TV's live report leading?Speed of Coverage Provides&Visual brings the audience into the place of occurrence(TKP) shares the feelings of the affected*

Bagaimana cara belajar bahasa inggris?

Jawaban 1:

Cara belajar bahasa inggris itu, pertama anda harus mengetahui banyak kosakata dalam bahasa inggris beserta artinya. kemudian yang kedua anda harus paham betul (bukan hanya menghafal) rumus dari penyusunan rumus kalimat.

Jawaban 2:

Bahasa inggris itu, akan lancar apabila sering diucapkan. dan juga harus tahu apa apa saja grammar nya...

  Write the normal sentences of the following headline!

1. Plane shot down over


Election won by surprise candidate.

3. Pop star mobbed by fans at

4. Local residents afraid of

5 Police investigating suspect.

6. Kris Dayanti successful in

7. Miss world visiting orphanage.

8. President to inspect damaged

Jawaban 1:

1. Plane shot down over Mediteranian.
    subject: Plane 
    verb: shot down
    complement: over Mediteranian

2. Election won by surprise candidate.
    subject: Election
    verb: won
    complement: by surprise candidate

3. Pop star mobbed by fans at airport.
    subject: Pop star
    verb: mobbed
    complement: by fans
    modified: at airport

4. Local residents afraid of eruption.
    subject: Local residents
    verb: afraid
    complement: of eruption

5. Police investigating suspect.
    subject: Police
    verb: investigating
    complement: suspect

6. Kris Dayanti successful in concert.
    subject: Kris Dayanti
    verb: successful
    complement: in concert

7. Miss World visiting orphanage.
    subject: Miss World
    verb: visiting
    complement: orphanage

8. President to inspect damaged roads.
    subject: President
    verb: to inspect
    complement: damaged roads

semoga bermanfaat ;)