Apa artinya breakdance ??? ( satu atau dua kata saja )
Jawaban 1:
Tarian moderen anak muda
Jawaban 2:
Breakdance, breaking, b-boying atau b-girling adalah gaya tari jalanan yang muncul sebagai bagian dari gerakan hip hop diantara African American dan anak muda dariPuerto Rico yang dilakukan di bagian selatan New York City yang brutal pada tahun 1970
Pertanyaan Terkait
Artikan dalam bahasa inggris ! di setiaphari ulang tahun saya mengadakan pesta ulang tahun,ayah memberikan sya hadiah,ibu embuatkan kue ulang tahun saat itu ibu saya memberikan saya hadiah spesial,dia mencium saya,dia memeluk saya,dia menangis bahagia,ayah mengundang teman teman,temen teman saya datang dan mereka membawa hadiah,kemudian saya meniup lilin,semua tamumenyanyikan lagu happy birthday dan mereka bertepuk tangan,temen favorit saya menyanyikan sebuah lagu dan dia berdansa dengan saya.|
paman saya biasanya tidak datang karena dia tinggal diamerica tetapi paman dan bibi menelfon saya dan mereka mengucapkan selamat ulang tahun
Jawaban 1:
On every day of my birthday having a birthday party, dad gave me a gift, a birthday cake embuatkan mother then my mother gave me a special gift, she kissed me, she hugged me, she cried happily, the father invited friends of friends, friends of my friends come and they bring gifts, then I blew out the candles, all tamumenyanyikan happy birthday song and clap their hands, my favorite friend sing a song and he danced with me. | My uncle usually do not come because he lived diamerica but uncle and aunt phoned me and they say happy birthday
Jawaban 2:
On every day of my birthday having a birthday party, dad gave sya gifts, birthday cake mom made it when my mother gave me a special gift, she kissed me, she hugged me, she cried happily, the father invited friends of friends, friends of my friends come and they bring gifts, then I blew out the candles, all the guests sang happy birthday and they were clapping, my favorite friend sing a song and he danced with me. | My uncle usually do not come because he lived diamerica but uncle and aunt phoned me and they say happy birthday
What the Meaning about "Simple Present Tense" ?
Jawaban 1:
The simple present tense indicates an action in the present time which is not finished. This can be a habitual action (something done regularly such as brushing your teeth every day) or a general truth.
Jawaban 2:
Untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang sedang berlangsung
Dia adalah anak yang rajin buatin kalimat +,-,? nya dong menakai verb 2
Jawaban 1:
Well, karena rajin termasuk kata sifat, jadi kita gk bisa ubah ke verb 2.
Jadinya, cuman bisa ditambah sedikit To be nya..
Coba, cek punya saya..
(+) She was a diligent student
(-) She wasn't a diligent student
(?) Was she a diligent student ?
Saya juga ragu sama pertanyaanya. Ambil aman, pake Past tense aja, soalnya biasanya past tense itu menggunakan verb II
Jawaban 2:
+ he was a diligent boy.
- he wasn't a diligent boy.
? was he a diligent boy?
Apa bahasa inggrisnya " parkir di sini "
Jawaban 1:
Park here!
Please park here!
1.kucing menangkap tikus setiap malam 2.kucing mencakar pintu
buat bahasa inggrisnya dan buat kalimat negatif,positif dan kalimat tanya serta jwbannya
mohon dibantu ya :) thanks
Jawaban 1:
1. (+) The cat catches the mouse every night.
(-) The cat doesn't catch the mouse every night.
(?) Does the cat catch the mouse every night? Yes, the cat catches the mouse every night. ATAU No, the cat doesn't catch the mouse every night.
2. (+) The cat is scratching the door.
(-) The cat isn't scratching the door.
(?) Is the cat scratching the door? Yes, the cat is scratching the door. ATAU No, the cat isn't scratching the door.
Semoga bermanfaat :D
Jawaban 2:
+ Cat catch mice every night - Cat didn't catch mice every night ? Did cat catch mice every night? +Cat stratching at the door - Cat didn't stratching at the door ? Did Cat stratching at the door?
Jawaban 1:
Tree is a one of more than one milion plants in the earth. Tree is a living creature that moves passively. Same like another plants, tree can also do photosynthsize that produce oxygen. Tree is important in our earth. Beside it can produces the fresh air, it can prevent global warming more that 60%.
Sebutkan 50 provesi dalam bahasa inggris
contoh: teacher : teach
Jawaban 1:
• student = pelajar
• surgeon = dokter bedah
• surveyor = penyurvei
• swimmer = perenang
• tailor = penjahit
• tax collector = penagih pajak
• taxi driver = supir taxi
• teacher = guru
• technician = juru teknik
• tennis player = pemain tenis
• trader = pedagang
• trainer = pelatih
• translator = penerjemah
• trash collector = pengumpul sampah
• travel agent = agen bepergian
• treasurer = bendaharawan
• truck driver = supir truk
• tutor = guru pribadi
• typist = juru ketik
• umpire = wasit
• undertaker = pengurus pemakaman
• usher = penerima tamu, penjaga pintu
• valet = pelayan pria
• veteran = mantan pejuang perang
• vicar = vikaris, paderi, pendeta yang mewakili Paus
• violinist = pemain biola
• waiter = pelayan pria
• waitress = pelayan wanita
• warden = sipir, kepala rumah penjara
• warrior = prajurit
• watchmaker = tukang arloji
• weaver = tukang tenun, penenun
• welder = tukang las
• woodcarver = tukang pahat kayu
• workman = buruh pria
• writer = penulis
• xylophonist = pemain sejenis gambang
• yodeler = penyanyi yodel
• zookeeper = penjaga kebun binatang
• zoologist = ahli hewan
Jawaban 2:
Accountant - accountant; related to cash and accounts
Accounts Manager - Accounting Manager
Actor / Actress - actor / actress in a movie drama
Agent Advertising - advertising agency
Adviser - advisory
Archeologist - archaeologists
Architect - architect; design houses.
Art And Creative Work - artists and creative work
Artist - artists
Assistant Manager - Assistant Manager
Astronomer - astronomers, who study the stars and the universe
Attorney - lawyer
Auditor - handyman audit or an auditor
Author - author; writing a book or a novel
Baker - the baker and cake and usually works in a bakery .
Bank Officer - Bank officer
Banker - the banker
Barber - Barber
Barman / Bartender - waitress bar
Beautician - Beauty expert
Biologist - biologists
Bodyguard - bodyguard
Bookkeeper - bookkeeper
Bricklayer - brick masons ; helping to build homes
Builder - the builder
Bus Driver - someone who the bus driver .
Butcher - work associated with meat , cut or sell
Buyer - buyers
Cameraman - cameraman ; shoot video
Cardiologist - cardiologist
Carpenter - carpenter , including furniture
Cashier - cashier
Chef / Cook - people who prepare food for others , often in a restaurant / cafe .
Chemist - chemist
Cleaner - people who clean up an area or a place ( such as in an office )
Cleaning Lady - handyman cleaning lady
Cleaning Woman - the woman in charge of cleaning the area or place
Composer - composer , usually in the field of music
Computer Operator - computer operator
Computer Programmer - maker of computer programs
Construction Worker - Construction workers
Consultant - consultant
Cosmetologist - a beautician
Dancer - dancer
Dean - dean at the university
Dentist - Dentists
Deputy Director - vice president
Designer - designer
Detective - Detective
Dietician - dietitian
Director - director
Distributor - a distributor
Doctor - doctor
Dramatist - playwrights
Driver - the driver
Dustman / Refuse Collector - people who collect garbage in the streets .
The Economist - economists
Electrician - people who work with electrical circuits .
Engineer - engineer ; person who develops solutions to technical problems .
Executive Officer ( CEO ) - Chief Executive ( CEO )
Expert - expert
Explorer - explorer
Eye Specialist - eye specialist
semoga membantu :)
Coba buat teks descriptive tentang kelinci dalam bahasa inggris:)
Jawaban 1:
Rabbit is an animal ,rabbit is cute.
in storry rabbit like carrot ,but if you give carrot excessive it can be not good for rabbit.
the color of rabbit is black,white,and brown.
rabbit is man's best friend too.
udah gitu aja,maaf kalo salah :p
Jawaban 2:
Rabbits are mammals that can be found in many parts of bumi.kelinci has two long ears and two big front teeth. These animals are wild animals that live on land higga africa to europe
Bahasa inggris nya menjabat apa...??
Jawaban 1:
Bahasa inggris nya menjabat " served"
Jawaban 2:
Kalau gak salah nih bahasa inggrisnya itu clasp
1. ibu kami mencuci pakaian setiap pagi tolong dibuat kalimat present tense dalam bahasa inggris yaitu kalimat positif, negatif dan interogative
Jawaban 1:
My mother washes a shirt every morning.my mother doesn't washes a shirt every morning.does my mother washes a shirt every morning?
Jawaban 2:
Our mother washes clothes every morning
Our mother doesn't wash clothes every morning
Does our mother wash clothes every morning?